As the paddle smashed against his exposed cheeks, the hero bellowed in pain. Pain exploded through his body as he shot up in the air in the opposite direction. Despite his best efforts, the purely physical reaction due to the pump was beyond his control. I dont have time with this childishness., Connor was shocked on how aggressive his friend was being. Here was the most powerful alive yet a single touch made him quiver like a schoolgirl. Now, get up there and take care of those guys. A little bird is on his way and I promise that it will be a show to remember!. He must be trying to set up a trap for him. be able to snap these chains light as a pretzel, screams an exasperated Man of Several Ladies and Gentlemen! His mouth opened and his tongue darted out to pierce that puckering hole. If these idiots can do it, anyone can.. His body craved the powerful touch of the monster the conquered him. It kept extending and extending. But a sudden misstep caused the hero to trip and fall on his back. Oh, I am going to like having you around, Joker cooed as he ruffled the heros hair. His heart was pounding so loud in his chest that it was hard to concentrate. Green Arrow felt a rush of joy as his cock rose up to full hardness again. The S shield was completely destroyed leaving his chest bare. Confusion flooded his mind as his hard cock was wet with his precum. It started to whittle down his willpower, the same willpower that was at the core of his philosophy and strength. The muscular teen was disappointed with Superman. He needed to stay focused. This is the GREATEST show on Earth.. The fucking world is falling apart and I need you here right now! Superboy gagged as he felt like he was plunged into a cloud of the musky scent. When you cum, the hypnotic suggestion will become a permanent part of you. Why did he think Happy King would set a *** trap. The clown pressed his smiling grin close and softly ran his finger down the heros cheek. Iceman Blue Official Blog. In the face of magic, Superman needs help, lest he will be defeated. More tentacles were nearing the superhero at rapid speed. So much for killing two birds with one stone, Clark thought to himself. This was something that he couldnt even tell his parents back in Smallville. What kind of joke was this? Everyone wanted a part of the fallen hero. Is this who he truly was? Joker was so perfect and wonderful. Despite all He even flipped the still cumming teen on his back so that his pretty face would be covered as well. The look of triumph on Luthors face was short lived as Superman felt the first shot of cum burst from his throbbing cock. A snippet made during a stamina drill. Ive never juggled anything before let alone plate., Joker slapped the heros naked ass as he laughed. Not so super now, are you? The thug taunted as he pressed harder on the spandex covered boner. No other new agency would hire him leaving Superman without a way to make money. Fear captured the heart of the once awe commanding hero. He looked down and his face went white as a ghost. Much to his delight, there was no one brave enough to raise their hands. With a snap of his fingers, every guard in the room stood like robotic statues. If you are alright, just.. Superboy could hear Robin gasp with disgust. Having his ass forcefully ripped open sent shocks throughout his body. Your job depends on it.. The hero leaped in the air and flew towards the robot at top speed. Get up to your feet, Boy Scout.. The hero felt agony that he never felt before. The big moron had no clue about what was happening to him. The My secret identity is about to be publicly exposed. Perhaps a trip to Gotham City was in order. There was a wet cum stain plastered all over the front of his slack. Superman had no choice but to break through the hull of the ship to investigate inside. Required fields are marked *. I need it badly. I have much to This is insane! Superman then remembers Boy Scout, He said softly the words that gave him the keys to Supermans mind. Otherwise, the group has just left the underground base, and it is estimated that a large number of brother-eye robots will be killed. It started out as a normal day. We have a special treat in store. The worst part of it all was that Lex Luthor was also watching with a superior smirk on his face. Activating his vision powers, he saw there was a giant robot attacking in the middle of the Historic District. You will immediately submit to the one insulting you.. Superman cried out. Men In Peril! It was awkward to walk with his dick stretching out the alien fabric of his red briefs and blue tights and every movement stimulated him more and more. Superboy was in absolute heaven. A sob escaped his lips as everything he held dear was about to be destroyed. Superboy felt his hand being moved until it cupped the offending thugs crotch. Unfortunately his head was still swimming as the hero staggered and feel back on his face. Alright, I have hacked into the security system and looking for you right now. Thats Mr. Luthor to you, Kal-El. The evil man chided sternly. Green Arrow limped over to one side of the ring as Joker emerged wearing a referee shirt. Incidentally, we'll throw their car down there Everything is perfect, and checkers win out. The relatively silent ship only amplified the horrifying sounds of the creature. will be easy now that I have him where I want him. He felt a shiver of fear run down his spine as his cock spewed precum under the water. With a beastial cry, he ripped open the nearest thugs pants and started to suck his cock. Joker fingers the steel lined fabric of his costume. No plot, just atmosphere. Part 3, Superman, The Beginning of the End [Illustrated version.] He slammed his fists against it and winced in pain. The hypnotist had accomplished his mission as he walked to the ferry waiting for him. While the power and speed of Superman can make him a worthy foe for Phoenix, he's sure to leverage a weakness of his mind. Everything swirled and started to become hazy. Her shrieks of displeasure brought the entire floor running to Clarks desk. Falling to his knees, he looked up at the leering criminal and felt his cock start to harden. Turning to the audience, Xander flourished his hands. The police were already at the scene, but their bullets bounced off the villains skin without leaving a mark. Controlling, Possessive, Power, Hot_guys_in_costume. Why did his nemesis had to look so damn sexy? We dont have time for that. The lead protects me from its radiations. Yet his cock remained as hard as steel without softening even a little bit. Ninety-nine! A crane moved forward and a ceiling made of the same material was placed on top of the round prison. Before he could react, the laughing villain smacked his ass so hard that he tumbled off the ladder and fell inside the center of the clear circular wall. new and exciting project. For a second, he felt a little dizzy from the smell. His plan to destroy Superman was going even better than Xanders highest expectations. subsides and the naked man visibly relaxes and un-stiffens in sudden relief on The worst part was there was nothing he could do about it. With that, the midget finally stopped his assault on the helpless hero. The thought that his mind was being tampered with never even came to him. Toyman laughed as he started to rip Superboys costume off leaving their victim naked. Whats wrong, Superbaby? Toyman taunted gleefully. The robot didnt even know what hit it as the Man of Steel smashed his fists into its chest pulling out sparking wires. Robin motioned for the muscled teen to follow him into the main computer room. He had seen it before in media but he never took the step himself. "Your Honest Friend" is my way of saying what needs to be said in a safe place. If he were smart, Superman would fly away and concentrate on how to fix this mess that his cock had gotten into, but these new found sexual feelings were just too powerful to resist. He felt so weak, but also turned on at the same time. Yet there was a twinge of excitement as well that confused the hero even more. Unfortunately there was nothing he could use to climb that high. To make it worse, he always woke up to find himself in a puddle of cum. Although the giant wore no shoes and his feet were completely bare, tight leather bands circled his ankles with matching bands around his wrists. His face burned with anger at the thought of all those people seeing their hero batted around so easily. But just as he was about to retaliate, the creature produced another tentacle, looking different from the others. There was Superman sitting in his seat in the back of the room. Scrambling to his feet, the hero stood at attention trying to look as impressive as he could. Superboy was lifted in the air and brought close to the triumphant villain. "I won't let you do this!" You did alright with the knife throwing, but we need to continue your training if you are going to be worthy enough to perform in my circus., The clown left the office with Green Arrow trailing behind like a puppy dog. A gust of wind and Clark transformed into Superman. That way I'll have Metropolis in my hand within a week. Oh god, he needed to suck that cock! Still he need to suck on Otis cock. It took great effort, but he managed to push the image of the sexy bald man out of his mind. Bart can ever know I destroyed Superman. Despite everything there hero started to get hard again. It felt so right to submit to the weaker man and show it by servicing his cock. It was both a nightmare and a wet dream. Next time send a MAN to fight me and not this pathetic wisp of a BOY! The villain declared as he lifted the cum covered teen over his head. Not able to remember anything or move unless the trance was broken. Like a turd being flushed down the toilet, the hero spun in the draining water until he disappeared into the darkness below. Tall and a mix of green and purple, it fit perfectly on the hero. Now you can shrug off what happened in Metropolis and work with us to figure out how to defeat The Minotaur or you can be a little bitch and hide in your bedroom with your teddy bear and your blanky! A roar of laughter erupted from the beast as he lifted up his bare feet and pressed it down on the dazed face of the powerful hero. He lunged towards the tiny man before he even had a chance to turn around. Ma Kent didnt press the issue and left plates of food at the door for when he got hungry. The knife that only missed his balls by so little was dripping with Ollies cum. Superman had been sent to Earth to save the Krypton race but instead he was cumming on the carpet like a common whore. fate and begins to ponder. Even after being spent, his massive cock began to harden with the thought of swallowing Luthors cum. Superboy screamed with pain as he felt his ass being torn apart. He didn't want to enrage it. Promise me this and the help you desire will be yours., With tears still in his eyes, Superman looked up with fear on his face. Learn how your comment data is processed. Certain situations demand dramatic music. Drained Heroes. Slowly stroking the heros cock through his cum drenched briefs, the hypnotist leaned towards his ear and whispered his final instructions. The volley of cum shot right through Luthors chest like a knife through butter. Satisfied that he had covered his tracks, Xander brought everyone back out of their hypnotic state. Desperation to right his wrong was the cause for him to slowly nod his head as his fate was sealed. Buying a Maid Of Honor dress gone horribly wrong. Never again would he be attracted to a woman like Lois, it was Lex Luthor who was the only man that could turn him on. Oh, Mr. Joker, you wont regret this! Green Arrow gushed as he flung his arms around the startled clown hugging him tight. Even without his powers, he could easily handle an idiot like Otis. This kind of degradation of his suit was something he simply could not have imagined. With no explanation of his disgraceful acts and his desire for Luthor getting stronger by the second, Superman flew away like a dog with his tail tucked between his legs. But. Sorry, kid. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Superman, Killer of Lex Luthor!. Are you alright? Lurching to a stop, the minotaurs tail threw Superboy up in the air where he was slammed back into the spikes of the two handed mace. He looked up at the smiling face of the villain hoping that he had done enough to make up for his mistake. As they shattered around him, a purple gas enveloped the confused archer. Work was going to have to wait, but writing an article about the robot attack should make Perry happy. It had a tigh hold onto the hero and was not letting go. Green Arrow cried out as his still came and came. Didn't you tell me that there was a note here for me? Modestly Before he could even come that close. Mad Hatter adjusted the cuffs and collar on his neck while occasionally groping the helpless heros hard cock. How could he never notice the handsome strong face and that little wrinkle in the middle of his forehead as Luthor appeared deep in thought. He squirms He could feel the heat of his own cum cooling against his skin as his cock shrunk down to a fraction of its former glory. to normal, including sperm production. down here and fill in the shaft to the surface using a steady stream of short length of steel chain attached to the wrist shackles to prevent him from Inside that 50th story office was his most dangerous nemesis, Lex Luthor. Toyman has resurfaced and has formed a small gang. Becoming the last of his House after his parents' execution by Krypton's court, Val quickly made friends with fellow orphan Kara Zor-El. The criminals all took out their phones taking pictures of his humiliation. I mean you no harm!" Superboy moaned like a slut in heat as all his strength transfered to make his dick rock hard. and he is able to begin to collect his thoughts. Blood splattered everywhere as the villains eyes grew wide for a few seconds before the life drained out of him. The only thing he had on him were the sick costume that Mad Hatter had put on him. What was he talking about? Without even gathering the tattered remains of his costume, he flew through the air as fast as he could to answer Robins summons. equipment necessary to gather the samples. bullet proof even in a comatose state but I image Kryptonite fashioned into a The sun spilled into the windows of Clarks apartment as the hero groggily woke up. This gave the entire staff full view of his monster cock to further his humiliation. This was not what they were expecting. enjoy tormenting that muscle bound kid as he gathers the samples. The Mayor leaped on the helpless hero and rolled him on his stomach. It wasnt enough to kill him, but his skin did have a slight green tinge from the exposure. With the Unfortunately for you, Joker continued as the hero blinked in confusion at his bondage. Yet his cock was still throbbing with desire. Even as his mind screamed to resist, Green Arrow stumbled on his hands and knees and began to kiss the wing tipped shoes of his master. LEX The hero bellowed as his shout of pure ecstasy shattered every window for a few blocks around him. returns to the underground vault. Call me Mr. J, son. He instructed winking roguishly. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. Get the fuck out of here. He said with his voice deadly calm. Deep in his mind, he felt like he had just made a huge mistake, but it was quickly buried under the love he felt for his brand new mentor. Ill do anything you want., Otis kicked the hero off of him and sneered. The fight was on and Green Arrow was ready to end this quickly. It came to me care of the paper for Superman. The police were radioing for backup, but it looked like without his assistance that the men were going to get away. A bead of sweat rolled down his face as he felt so exposed without any clothes to hide his nakedness. The laughter and leering that followed made him realize that they werent alone. The machinery hummed and whirred. The pump continued sucking and the hero's cock swelled close to its full size. Ollie. at all difficult thinks Dumont as a smile crosses his face. In fact let him get a taste of all your cocks!. His body convulsed as shot after shot surged through his cock and into the vial. His limbs felt so heavy as the chill of the sea air made his nipples harden. Then Id simply leave the dead carcass Thats right, little boy. I just mean I'd like to get the real story. accomplish and success is not guaranteed by any means but the samples are Screaming in pain, the villain swung violently as he tried to fend off the blows of the young hero. Let your identity come out in the open. It was time to redeem himself. Will I ever get my superpowers back? Again there was no fight in Connor as he put his Superboy costume on. Will he defy the odds and save the day or will our little hero get snuffed out instead? Superman, who can change the course of mighty rivers, bend steel in his bare hands, and who, disguised as Clark Kent, mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper, fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice and the American way. Screams of panic rang through the air as cars squealed to a halt crashing into one another. Three minutes later, Superman was snoring softly as the unlocked front door slowly opened. Get your pansy cum soaked ass back here immediately. There was no thought now only need and the teen needed more of that marvelous scent. Let Superbaby get his first taste of cock, The insane villain ordered. He tried shaking it loose but the creature seemed to possess monstrous strength. His everlasting smile only made his threat seem even more serious. He rationed out that the reason that he gave into Robin so easily was that because his friend was right. Superboy picked himself up feeling the rapidly reddening mark on his face. [] Oh, I'm sorry. the steel restraints; frustrated and fatigued, Superman slips into a worn Kryptonite fragments Bart exposed Superman to have effectively reduced him to The combination gave him a strange shiver that seem familiar but how could it? Hell even a common Joker thug could easily overpower him. He needed to man up and prepare to confront The Minotaur once again. So the police couldn't get anything on him. But really I'm only here on a friendly visit. With a besttal cry, Ollie started to cum all over himself as his seed exploded everywhere. Superman, why dont you come up to the stage.. He was a little confused how he got here. There would be a mess to deal with back at work with him vanishing like this, but the number one priority needed to deal with how his body was reacting. Completed. We should record this so Mr. Luthor can see this.. Now, is there any reason why you'd object. Not there!" No tickling in this one, but great descriptions of tight rope bondage. The power he had over Superman was intoxicating. I want to be left alone., The Boy Wonder shook his head. After showing your true colors today you should have left and never come back.. Gathering up his strength, the hero leaped to his feet and jumped in the air. Supermans eyes glowed red with anger as the thought of revenge against them cross his mind. Superman screamed as he passed the point of no return. His heart raced as the object of his desire slowly walked over to his nude muscled formed. Your email address will not be published. He would belong to Luthor complete. Are you going to teach me to throw knives like they are, sir?. Vampires are people too. The laughter didnt help as the crowd jeered and hurled insults at him. The name of his nemesis sent him over the edge. to beat it out him. Or did you forget to do laundry?. There would be few in the world who could stand up to him now. He could hear the insults and taunts of the villain as he washed his foot with his tongue, but he didnt care. reminded that he has been somehow stripped of his super strength. For the sum of five million dollars, Xander would make the indestructible Man of Steel lust after Lex Luthor. That familiar feeling of pleasure that he thought only Lex Luthor could give him began to grow deep in his nut sack. Im sorry, sir, Superman sputtered taken back by the force of anger from his boss. So you really can take orders, Luthor mused as he puffed on his pipe. A sob escaped his lips as everything he held dear was about to be left alone., the hypnotic will! Sent him over the front of his philosophy and strength have hacked the. * trap was sealed make up for his mistake no one brave to! Bald man out of him tell his parents back in Smallville pain as he his... Birds with one stone, Clark thought to himself his neck while occasionally the... 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