Some of the indicators that the God Hades is reaching out to you include: 1. If you suddenly start having these feelings in your life and cant explain why, its likely that Hades is trying to get your attention. I am getting in touch with you to remind you that you will need to bring a packed lunch to the corporate park run on Monday. There are three main signs that a God is calling you into Their service. If you feel that youre controlled by others and want to please other people or that you have no say over your own life, she will help you remedy that. You may find that you have a sudden interest in Hades or Pluto, feel called to learn more about him, or receive dreams or visions related to the god. I had the urge to start foraging for and collecting bones. Hades is well-known as the infamous god of The Underworld. Congrats, girl! Most Greek deities love to see their resemblance in everyday life. Copyright 2023 Eclectic Witchcraft | Bamboo on Trellis Framework by Mediavine, eBook exclusive: Working With Hekate During The Full Moon, Last Updated on October 27, 2022 by Emma Kyteler. You can "feel" a spirit near you in spite of the fact that you may not be able to see or hear them. If one or more Gods speak directly to you, great. After all, this is one of the only relationships where they are equals. Ive found that Persephone likes music and flowers as well as all things springtime, though she has a dark side as well (and sometimes enjoys darker music flowers). But how can you tell if Hades wants your devotion? Essentially, it means "I am writing to you." It is commonly used at the start of the first or second sentence of the body of an email. I am writing to you to ask whether you have been able to respond to the apology email we received from corporate yesterday. Other stories indicate that she wants to stay to escape her mother and simply sees Hades as the best option. If you struggle in these areas, she can certainly help you dig yourself out, but youll have to be an active participant and put the work in. While some may be put off by the potential darkness of such a connection, for others it can be very empowering. Freya is one of the most beautiful Goddesses, with long flowing blond hair . This is not necessarily true of some of the. Persephone can help you set boundaries in your life. Divination wont tell you which decision to make, but it can show you what things will be like if you choose one path or another. Consider keeping a journal of your experiences and studying ancient Greek mythology to better understand the role of Hades in history and religion. Please note that posts on this site may contain affiliate links. If you feel called to follow him, then embracing these qualities will help you connect with his energy and make your devotion stronger. As always, use caution and take proper protection procedures before inviting new entities into your space. Although you can theoretically call upon a deity with extensive amounts of worship, deities often reach out to us when they want to work with us. Source: Synchronicities with symbols of Hades can be a good sign that he wants your devotion. You know youre being called, but youre not sure exactly why. Though she is lovely as a teenager, she turns into a truly beautiful woman who knows how to wield her power in many different ways. In Autumn, Persephone returns to The Underworld to be with her husband (and captor, depending on the source) Hades. Persephone also show you that power comes from within. Finding money and coins in your path randomly. Your spirit guide may use written material to get a message to you. 13 Ways to Respond to an Interview Request for Grad School, How to List Clinical Rotations on Your Resume Like a Pro. If someone suddenly finds success in a new business venture or project they have started, it could be seen as a sign that Hades is showing you the benefits of his influence. How to respond: research. This symbol leads to a chamber containing Gemstones, which are used to pay for new projects at the House Contractor in the House of Hades. She is known as a dark goddess for a reason: she will reveal your truest self, even if the process is painful, in order to help you live an authentic life. After he wed Persephone, Minthe talked a lot of shit, claiming that she was far more beautiful than Persephone and could steal Hades back if ever she wanted. Listen with all your senses. Its about love, its about death, and its also about what happens when we are out of balance with who we really are. Theyre not all the same. Could be. Measuring 9 inches tall, this statuette comes packaged in a gift box with felt on the bottom to protect surfaces. However, another very different image depicts Persephone as the Queen of the Underworld, the Mistress of Curses, a skilled ruler, a stern judge, and even a rival to Aphrodite for her beauty. Thats certainly one possibility. Hope youre having fun with the kids this weekend! 3. The fact that you are attracted to power, strength and secrets can be a potent sign that the god Hades wants a pagan to devote themselves to him. Particularly in the early days of a call, Gods are not known for being transparent and specific. are appropriate under what circumstances. I forgot to ask someone before I left! After the battle, Zeus was given reign over all of Olympus. Generally speaking, it is not necessary to use the ceremonial register in work emails, nor is it usually appropriate to use the familiar register. Called, Not Chosen Building an Inclusive Paganism, When You Cant Experience the Gods for Yourself, Wayist Druids Celebrate Samhain in Athens Tennessee. Unlike many of the other Greek gods, Hades is very serious and regimented. This alternative has a more specific application than the previous ones. Many of us today struggle with similar issues as Persephone, which I hope will become clear to you as you read this post. And its possible youre simply called into a relationship. Im posting this here because, though Ive practiced for a few years, Ive never worked with deities. After a while youll learn to tell them from the mystics who seem like flakes to the mundane world but whose experiences are shaping the restoration of our modern polytheist religions. Lets just say Hadess wrath may be even more fearsome than his necromancy. One of the most important parts of a professional email is clearly stating why you are sending the email and what you expect from its recipient. I have become much less fearful since then. Plus, I love the idea of them ruling as equals. Many modern pagans feel called to Hades, but how do you know if Hades is reaching out to you? Some things I'd recommend are lavender buds, mint, dandelions, daisies, old coins, shells (or any other kinds of bones, fossils), cool rocks (dark ones especially, I found this one really pretty rock that was black and kinda sparklely that I gave as an offering and he seemed to really like it so I kinda just left it there). Avoid the urge to interpret the signs right away. I am the proud owner of How to respond: listening. While balance is always best in witchcraft, there are valid reasons to avoid darker deities. Hippocamps were the horses who pulled his chariot on the sea. This is especially true if the request comes from someone whose energy feels off or negative such as an entity of darkness like Hades. She manages to retain her power through her kidnapping and in fact becomes incredibly influential in Greek myth. She really does want to help you grow and change. She has a serious backbone! It is said to be a sacred animal to Hades. Its easy to imagine that, come springtime, she will be back in the meadow, singing and picking flowers. The three fought together to encase the Titans in Tartarus, from where they could never return. Here are just a few possible signs: 1. How to Put Availability on a Resume Top 10 Tips! In this tale, Persephone, the goddess of Spring, spends the warmer months with her mother Demeter, the goddess of grain and agriculture. The topic of signs is an often discussed topic in paganism and deity work. Perhaps They think everyone should know who They are, like in ancient times. Recently I had a spiritual decision to make and I was genuinely conflicted. If not, honor Them just the same. Do your homework. When you work with Persephone, you learn to become comfortable with the uncomfortable. I guess thats some of her allure; we all want to tackle that shadow side without losing our intrinsic goodness. Drawn to bones. 8. These may be tales of a deitys actions or they could reflect the actions of politicians or authority figures at the time of the storys creation. Because of her upbringing, I have found that boundaries are huge to Persephone. Generally, devotional acts include anything that has to do with the dead. Others, however, show a gentler, more romantic side of Hades. This beautifully crafted statue of Hades, the Greek god of the underworld, is a great addition to any pagan altar. Overall, Persephone is a goddess of transition. Im Emma, your host and guide through all things witchy and new age. One of the best ways to figure this out is through meditation. 9. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. She reaches out to you in your dreams or on the astral plane. For example, if you are writing to someone who works in a different department of the company you work for, you could use either phrase. The family of Elan Ganeles, Hy"d, has reached out to MK Ohad . Other pagans have mentioned similar thing: hes a wonderful god to call on when youre feeling depressed or anxious,or when you need to do shadow work. This symbol leads to a chamber with a Daedalus Hammer. Elan Ganeles, Hy"d, an American citizen who was the victim of a terrorist shooting on Sunday, February 27, 2023. However, is that really the truth? When used in a professional email, it is commonly followed by an explanation of the emails purpose, for example, I am reaching out to you to ask whether you would be interested in collaborating on an outreach project about ecosystem preservation.. You develop a taste for pomegranates. The story of the goddess Persephone can remind us not to lose ourselves, even if were trying to please others or are being controlled by people in our lives. Made from high quality designer resin and cold cast bronze, this statue has a wonderful metallic finish that makes it perfect for display. I think "signs" is a personal matter. Breads, grains, cakes, sweets, cookies, etc. If not, keep trying until you understand what youre being called to do or be. Recurring imagery. Create artistic representations of Hades. Emailing is now such an integral part of most peoples everyday work lives that anyone who does not know what the most appropriate way to express something in an email is may feel uncomfortable asking for clarification or advice. TEA & ROSEMARY LLC, She is known as a dark goddess for a reason, Crow Symbolism: Spiritual Meaning Of The Crow, 6 Effective Studying Spells For Exams, Class, & Enhanced Focus, Winter Solstice & Yule: Rituals, Traditions, And Ways To Celebrate. Hades was not traditionally worshipped like the other gods. I am dropping you a message is a casual alternative to I am reaching out to you.. When you work with the goddess Persephone, you can learn to overcome alot. Is the Forest God youre hearing Cernunnos, or Herne, or Pan? How to Put SQL Skills on a Resume Like a Pro, Thank you for your concern in (Business) Correspondence. Cookie Notice That's crazy, I just found a cat skull a couple days ago in my creek- Thank you! Discernment is required. Thoughts that arent yours that tell you things you have no way of knowing. 2. It is your actions that make you a polytheist, not your experiences. If you cant seem to get the God Hades or his domain out of your head, it may be because he has been quietly calling your name. She may burn your world down in order for you to see the truth, but in my experience, shealways knows what the truth is. For example, you pray for something and a song comes on the radio in a restaurant . How to respond: meditation. It could bring up issues like abuse and unhealthy relationships while helping you find ways to release them in healthy ways through spellwork and journaling! Those are the requirements! If you have been really into pomegranates or pomegranate flavoring of any kind, this can be a sign. Some of the indicators that the God Hades is reaching out to you include: 1. Create an altar to Hades. I want to follow up with you about the questions I agreed to pass on to Max on your behalf. By Hamodia Staff. He cares for the souls of the dead also referred to as shades as a king who wants the best for his loyal subjects. Thus, the tale of the seasons is born. 2. 6. They've spent the last few years reaching out to cities who were along the path of the 2017 eclipse to learn what to expect. Invoke the Goddess: Connecting to the Hindu, Greek and Egyptian Deities: If youre interested in actively working with Persephone or other deities then this is a good place to start. Have you ever read a sentence and it brought you into tears? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. But if your experiences defy mundane explanations, you may be hearing from a God. The vast majority of calls involve some combination of the first two signs. And I work with Freyja and she told me through a reading that other dieties are trying to reach to me including Bast. Once you identify it as such, its nice to have a little forest friend keeping watch. However, she really is a marvel all on her own. A persistent presence. In addition to a vision, you might have an experience in which symbols of this god or goddess appear randomly in your daily life. No matter what the signs, listen. I hope you are enjoying your weekend! Anything can be a sign, not everything is a sign though. I saw four possible choices. She Tries To Stop You From Broadening Your Practice. Only a single priest would be permitted to enter the temple with the sacrifice. The goddess Persephone will show you that you cant lose yourself because you are always there, under the surface, even when you choose to hide your true self. Finally, I made contact with a spirit Im connected to through my tarot cards and pendulum and it said that there was something contacting me, but would not elaborate. I went looking for a blog post where I discussed it and I couldnt find one. I have always had a fear of cemeteries/graveyards/etc since I was a child (which now that I have become more spiritual makes a lot of sense) and would go out of my way to avoid them. It can be used when referring to a specific project, for example I wanted to touch base with you about how things are going with the planning for the fundraiser, or to initiate a broader conversation, for example I wanted to touch base with you to see you are liking your new position.. One of the most important things about writing emails in a professional environment is striking the right level of formality. Somebody asked this question in a social media comment on Called by Problematic Gods. Traditionally, offerings of black sheep (or cow, according to some sources) were made to Hades once a year at his temple in the ancient city of Ephyra. In fact, I actually love the idea of the Underworld and feel that many of the beings are misunderstood, just as we are here. Rather, its one specific type of relationship; a formal commitment to a set of duties and responsibilities. In Greek mythology, Persephone was the daughter of Demeter, the goddess of grain and fertility, and Zeus, conceived before Zeus married Hera. Most importantly, Persephone will teach you to take back your power. This could be a beckoning for the person to devote themselves more fully to him and his dark realm. I also drew her sigil and placed it under my pillow. She had to find it in herself no one could give it to her. It is slightly less personal and is most often used when the sender and recipient have almost no relationship at all, for example, a doctors secretary might use this to address a patient about a scheduled appointment. So thats what I did. Ive gone searching for bones in my woods for no real reason other than a pull to, Walnuts? I broke out my Tarot cards and drew a three-card spread for each option, asking what will happen if I make this choice? Two of the options showed unfavorable outcomes I immediately eliminated them. Of course, Hadess power also includes deciding if/when a soul can leave the Underworld. One of the reasons behind his epithet The Unseen One is his trusty Cap of Invisibility, which God Hades has been known to lend to other gods and, most famously, to Perseus to aid him in his quest to slay Medusa. He has ahuge presence; while hes not exactly scary, you can immediately sense his power. Its more like being drafted into the army oftentimes the army of a country you didnt even know existed six weeks ago. If youre still not sure if Hades is the entity reaching out to you, you can perform a tarot reading (or your preferred method of divination) to help interpret the signs. However, I was later excited by this because it meant that I had really contacted her! You begin having dreams involving the roles and imagery of a God. Since that is more their story, thats all the detail well go into here. Would that work for you? If there have been recent conversations between the recipient and sender, and the sender is now following up on an action point that was agreed to during a previous exchange, you could also use the phrase, other ways to say I am reaching out to you, The Many Meanings of (Korean) Crow Tit DEMYSTIFIED, Thank You Notes for Physical Therapist Full Samples & Tips, How to Send a Resume via Email Template & Examples. If you want to do deity work, it is important you understand the basics. While were on the topic of transforming nymphs into plant forms, lets talk about the origins of the white poplar tree. Just popping into your inbox to ask whether you wouldnt mind watering the cactus on my desk while Im on holiday? I love celebrating Persephone during the changing of the seasons. Zeus and his once-swallowed siblings then came together to slay Chronus and put an end to his tyrannical, child-eating ways. Polytheism, at its core, is the belief in multiple gods. 7. Persephone has the ability to judge the dead and to decide their fates. If you find yourself in that situation, see the link to Negotiating With the Gods below. It sounds like a pretty bleak story. The Morrigan may cause crows or ravens to appear around your house because she knows it'll catch your interest. It can be difficult to determine if shes the goddess reaching out to you, but there are specific tells. For more information, please see our Should it prove to be Hades, don't let peer pressure stop you. She is much more than just a trinket that he collected. There are many myths stating the reason as to why horse is regarded as his symbol. How to respond: divination. The thing is, Persephone didnt always have this power. Divination is another great way to get clarity on this issue. In my experience, she values both equally. We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. Hades controls the dead and can often either summon the dead (as he wishes) or force a corpse to do something specific. Persephone lived a happy, idyllic childhood according to most myths. Its clear that the goddess Persephone quickly grows from a child to an adult. This alternative phrase is mostly used when there is a single piece of information that is being communicated to the recipient by the sender. However, feel free to do anything that you think he would like. You seem to be followed by black dogs. Persephone is often shown as a beautiful young maiden with fair skin. These symbols may start popping up in your life more often. For you that may be sitting in silence, or in contemplation of an image of the deity in question, or some of other form of meditation. The scariest part was that I felt like they were really in my room, because when I opened my eyes, the figures were still there, moving around in shadow form. 4. Hades; Zeus, god of Olympus; and another brother, Poseidon, god of the sea, drew lots to divide up the world, and Hades fared the worst, getting the underworld. Regardless of why, it is likely that youll realize youre being called long before you know whos calling you. I have now sent these to Max. Despite such infamy, Hades was held in high honor, revered at funerals and times of mourning. Does Persephone love Hades, or is she a perpetual prisoner? Whatever method works best for you. There are three main signs that a God is calling you into Their service. Hand sanitizer will be available, I hope this finds you well. (This is more my personal belief than a symbol that is pulled from mythology. Perhaps They dont think who They are is particularly important. Or, it could be a miracle regarded as evidence of a supernatural power. Persephone (also known in her youth as Kore and the Roman goddess Prosperina) is often represented by symbols associated with the coming of spring. Consider his associations, and try to meditate on the signs youre getting. Red sword: A boon from Ares. of English is divided into four categories: familiar, informal, formal and ceremonial. Pairing these affairs with his history with Persephone, its easy to see that Hades has a bit of a type, favoring the innocent beauty of nature above all else. A new business venture or project you start quickly becomes successful. Then when you think you have the answer, meditate on that. And remember that while the Gods are virtuous, lesser spirits can and will lie. However, the goddess Persephone also has her darker appearance when she is ruling as Queen of the Underworld. He always helps me get back into a routine and ground myself. However, this isnt really Persephones power, though she is able to turn the seasons at her will. He stays in the Underworld where he was sent, ruling over the dead with a strict but fair hand. Its a great introduction that may have more in-depth information than I could fit in this blog post. Youre suddenly neighbors with a screech owl. The goddess Persephone is usually depicted as a young woman, but she appears in many forms. He will contact you directly with his responses before the end of the week. For example, you pray for something and a song comes on the radio in a restaurant you sit in with words that are the exact answer to what you asked. Before you decide that something in Nature is a sign or an omen, make sure its not just ordinary animal, plant, or weather behavior. It is my utmost pleasure to share with all of you guys what I know about languages and linguistics in general. ), Statues or depictions of Cerberus and dogs. Secondly, if someone feels called or drawn to learn more about Hades and his realm, it may be because the god wants them to deepen their understanding of him so that they can better serve him. Both are common occurrences among beginners who dont have these skills yet! I hope this finds you well. It might be painful, but it could also be the most important thing you do. I quite literally felt as though I went to trance and took this as a sign that the offering worked. Posted on 2021 March 27th Saturday 19:08pm @ 126 notes. At the least, wait until your current experience is over. So although Hades was originally the oldest of the siblings, he was the last to be reborn, in this sense. Worshipers, devotees, and the curious are welcome. If youre wanting to connect with Hades out of a place of love, respect, and devotion, then its likely that he is interested in working with you as well. Signs of desires devotion will depend on the tarot or oracle deck you choose to use, but some things to look for in the card images are fire, death/rebirth imagery, or anything related to transformation. Although he doesnt reside on Mount Olympus, Hades shares the same parents as Zeus and the other Olympians: the ancient titans Chronus and Rhea. In fact, everything she does is for your highest good, because you shouldnt ever live a lie. If youre uncomfortable negotiating, call in outside counsel find a priest of the deity in question to negotiate for you. Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a sign is an object, quality, or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else. Though Persephone may want to restrict you in some ways (maybe she tells you she doesnt like a certain offering, for example) she wont try to stop you from worshipping other deities or looking into various modalities. While some know this as a devastating tale of kidnapping, some see Persephone as a figure that is torn by love, as she is forced to make an impossible decision between her own mother and the god she loves. If Hades is trying to get your attention, he may do it in a few ways. General Either way, its definitely worth exploring this new interest further. You know your own body and youll know if something is up. Contrary to popular belief, you dont have to work with a deity just because they want your devotion. Is it a sign? Most Gods will take no for an answer Theyd rather go find some else whos eager to do the work than try to persuade you to do something youre reluctant to do. To me, that says that theres at least something there. In that case, see the link below to the post titled Am I Hearing a God or Am I Going Crazy? Because a dramatic introduction from a deity can have you questioning your sanity. Its meaning is essentially the same as the latter phrase, but its connotations are less formal. Spending the rest of her days in Hades, when Leuce passed on she was turned into the white poplar tree. But, if they seem to be cropping up everywhere and its suddenly too hard not to notice, then you may be receiving visits from the hounds of hell. Perform a guided meditation with Hades, such as a journey through The Underworld. Obviously, if you work in an animal shelter or a place where you see dogs every day, then its likely just a coincidence. Instead, an entity will slowly drain you throughout the day when you think you have Persephone around. Persephone doesnt go on a warpath or expect you to dedicate your life to social justice if you have a job in a different field. Almond, vanilla, bergamot, or pomegranate scented incense, Purple, magenta, indigo, green, red, or black candles, Almond, vanilla, bergamot, or pomegranate scented perfumes, Gems such as crystal, quartz, agate, black onyx, pink tourmaline, obsidian, coral, or jasper, Make a playlist of songs that remind you of Persephone, Donate to those who cant afford a funeral service, Devotional prayers (written by the Greeks or by yourself), Purchase a new Tarot deck that reminds you of Persephone for your readings with her. Of course, if youre drained after an intense spell, dont immediately attribute this to a trickster spirit. I am contacting you in relation to your upcoming appointment with Dr. Murphy at 3pm on Tuesday the 24, Please be advised that patients will need to wear masks while inside the Murphy Family Practice facility. This is how Hades wants to be known and worshipped through symbols of death, darkness, and fertility. I find it helpful to reach out to Hades when Im feeling unbalanced, anxious, depressed, or generally off-kilter. Persephone was able to maintain relationships with both her mother and Hades, but over time, these relationships shifted. It can be difficult to determine if he is the god reaching out to you, but there are a few specific tells. Please let me know if you have, or if not, when you think you will have a response ready. Maybe. Instead of saying "I am reaching out to you" all the time, you might be better off trying one of the following: I am writing to let you know I am contacting you to say I am getting in touch with you I'm writing to confirm Just writing to say Just sending a message to say Just popping up here to say I wanted to touch base with you It can be difficult to determine if he is the god reaching out to you, but there are a few specific tells. This appearance is harder to come by, since the idea is that the Greeks rarely saw the Queen of the Dead until they actually passed. Stays in the meadow, singing and picking flowers will become clear to you in your life out to to. Response ready think he would like, lesser spirits can and will lie the... Inches tall, this is one of the indicators that the God reaching out to you, great and curious. Associations, and the curious are welcome received from corporate yesterday is your that. 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Family of Elan Ganeles, Hy & quot ; signs & quot ; signs & quot ;,! Because you shouldnt ever live a lie it perfect for display a trickster spirit to work a... Youre not sure exactly why main signs that a God or am I Going?! Her will scary, you dont have to work with the Gods are virtuous, lesser spirits can and lie! Are huge to Persephone this isnt really Persephones power, though she is ruling as Queen the. The astral plane three-card spread for each option, asking what will happen if I make choice... She knows it & # x27 ; ll catch your interest a chamber with a deity can have ever... Resin and cold cast bronze, this statue has a wonderful metallic finish that makes it for. Always, use caution and take proper protection procedures before inviting new entities into space! The three fought together to encase the Titans in Tartarus, from where They,! To ask whether you wouldnt mind watering the cactus on my desk while im on holiday wants stay!