65. (1) A Court (in this section and section 38 referred to as the Remitting Court) before which any person who is within the local limits of its jurisdiction and is charged with having committed an offence within the local limits of the jurisdiction of another Court is brought, shall unless authorised to proceed in the case, send him in custody to the Court within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the offence was committed, or require him to give security for his surrender to such last-mentioned Court, there to answer the charge and to be dealt with according to law. Interpretation (5)Until an appointment is made to the office of Director of Public Prosecutions the powers conferred upon the Director Public Prosecutions by this section shall be exercised by the Attorney-General. Fines, detention in police station in lieu of imprisonment. 39. It was ratified by Parliament on 15 December 2011 and signed into law on 1 February 2012. Section 7 of the Courts Act, 1965 is amended by the repeal and replacement of subsection (1) thereof by the following:- 7. Of 19.The Court is informed by the Attorney-General on the half of Our Lady the Queen at the instance of C.D. 117. A. HWnI}GXA !*#@x0@)H#sd>O{lT|9tdz>NO%y%w:2#22o}|.V7[Nd3Vipk[l1F8eY \=\iY=efO& q3|Zfqz{Ml' 'e^@1@~&Vs/ uG\$KP\ (5) The description or designation in an information or indictment of the accused or of any other person to whom reference is made therein, shall be such as is reasonably sufficient to identify him without necessarily stating his correct name, or his abode, style, degree or occupation, and if owing to the name of the person not being known, or for any other reason, it is impracticable to give such a description or designation, shall be given as is reasonably practicable in the circumstances, or such person may be described as "a person unknown". The Court may order any person convicted before it to pay all or any specified part of the expenses of his prosecution. ORDER 9 PETITIONS-GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. relating to the condition of any motor vehicle or trailer, may, if it is directed to the Court or produced by any constable to whom it is addressed or by someone acting on his behalf, be admitted as evidence of the facts therein stated in any preliminary investigation or trial before a Magistrate's Court. 9781315162461_webpdf_115322 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. When the Court orders money to be paid by a person convicted upon summary conviction for a fine or penalty, and. (3)The statement of offence shall described the offence shortly in ordinary language, avoiding as far as possible the use of technical terms, and without necessarily stating all the essential elements of the offence, and if the offence charged is one created by enactment shall contain a reference to the section of the enactment creating the offence. C.D., with intent to defraud, omitted or concurred in omitted from or from or in cash book belonging to the said C.D., his employer, a material particular that is to say, the receipt on the day of Le100 from H.S. To.(keeper of Prison or constable). 56. Children and young persons accused of criminal offences shall be apprehended and tried in accordance with the provisions of the Children and Young Persons Act. Attorney-General may delegate certain powers to, 44. He was one of a group of seventeen soldiers in the military of Sierra Leone who successfully staged a coup that ousted president Ahmad Tejan Kabbah in May 1997. (3) Payment or tender. (4)If in any case in which the attendance of defendant is dispensed with under this section, previous convictions are alleged against him and are not admitted in writing, the court may adjourn the proceedings and direct the personal attendance of the defendant and, if necessary, enforce such attendance in manner hereinafter provided. (1) At the close of the evidence for the defence, or, where it is sought to rebut evidence of good character, after evidence of good character has been given, the Court may, in its discretion, grant the prosecutor leave to call rebutting evidence where something has arisen ex improviso, in the course of the defence. The officer serving the copy of the said indictment and notice shall forthwith make to the Registrar or other proper officer a return of the mode of service thereof. Internacionales CompetenCia en el merCado global 8e Negocios Internacionales CompetenCia en el merCado global. 18. The persons named in such notices, and such other persons as the Magistrate may require, shall be bound to attend such sitting. M 4/T. The proviso to section 16 of the principal Act is hereby amended, a)by the substitution for the word "fifty pounds" in line two thereof of the words "two hundred leones"; and. 138. (1) The accused person shall be allowed to examine any witness, although not previously bound over to give evidence and shall, if he apprehends that the witness will not attend the trial voluntarily, be entitled to apply for the issue of process to compel the witness's attendance. where the deposition is that of a witness whose attendance at the trial is stated to be unnecessary as aforesaid, that the witness has been duly notified that he is required to attend the trial. (2) In every such case any sum of money due may be levied on the goods and chattels of the person ordered to pay the same by distress and sale under warrant; and in all cases in which a warrant of distress is issued by the Court under this section the Court may either suffer such person, to go at large or verbally, or by warrant in that behalf, order him to be kept in custody until return shall be made to the warrant of distress. (2) A representative for the purposes of this Part need not be appointed under the seal of the corporation, and a statement in writing purporting to be signed by a managing director of the corporation, or by any person (by whatever name called) having, or being one of the persons having the management of the affairs of the corporation, to the effect that the person named in the statement has been appointed as the representative of the corporation for the purposes of this Part shall be admissible, without further proof, as. d.In any of the following cases, that is to say, i.when it is uncertain in which of several Districts an offence was committed; or, ii. courts, separate courts for juvenile cases should be constructed and separate detention structures should be provided. 159. 195. (2) Notwithstanding any rule of law or practice, an information or indictment shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, not be open to objection in respect of its form or contents if it is framed in accordance with the rules under this Act. 5. A. persons, and to produce him before the said Court then and there to be tried. 22 of 1961. wherein you were bound, and further to give you notice that if within six days of the date of service of this order and notice upon you, you fail to pay the said sum the same may be recovered in manner prescribed by distress and sale of your goods and chattels, and in default of the amount being so recovered you may be imprisoned for a period up to days. (2) Every constable acting under this section shall before entering any premises by virtue of subsection (1) deliver or offer to deliver to the owner or occupier a statement in writing signed by him to the effect that he is entering the premises because he has reasonable grounds to believe that there is a stranger thereon. (4)The Court may presume that the signature to any such document is genuine, and that the person signing it held the office which he professed to hold or was recognized as an assayer or mineralogist at the time when he signed it. (1) Where, before trial upon indictment or at any stage of such trial, it appears to the Court that the indictment is defective, the Court shall make such order for the amendment of the indictment as the Court thinks necessary to meet the circumstances of the case, unless having regard to the merits of the case, the required amendments cannot be made without injustice. 1. B., might retain the same in safe custody. Death sentence not to be passed on pregnant woman. 89. Repealing the Act was a commendable thing by Parliament, as the Act had been seen as draconian by many because it had stood in 176. Condemned person to be informed of his right to appeal. (2) The Chief Justice may make Rules for carrying this section into effect and in particular for making provisions as to the manner in which application is to be made for the consent of a Judge of the Supreme Court for the preferment of an indictment. said accused is charged with..(set out charge as described summons). Control of Attorney-General over Criminal Proceedings. 0000006358 00000 n 8e Negocios. Trial of children and young persons. A warrant shall remain in force until cancelled or executed. Additional witnesses for prosecution. When exercising the powers conferred upon it by section 55 or 56, the Court may order that the whole, or such portions as the Court thinks fit, of the expenses so paid be paid over to the prosecutor or to the accused or defendant, as the case may be. TAKE NOTICE that you will be tried on the indictment, whereof this is a true copy, at the Sessions of the Supreme Court to be held aton theday of.19. 139. 348 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 351 /H [ 1624 268 ] /L 138060 /E 100465 /N 2 /T 130981 >> endobj xref 348 40 0000000016 00000 n 61. Whenever a Magistrate's Court issues a summons in respect of any offence other than a felony, it may if it sees reason to do so, and shall when the offence with which the defendant is charged is punishable only by a fine or by imprisonment not exceeding three months (whether with or without a fine) dispense with the personal attendance of the defendant, provided that he pleads guilty in writing or is represented by a legal practitioner. 144. means of an advertisement inserted by them, the said A. In case where any person is so fined in his absence, the Registrar of the Court shall forthwith send him a written notice of the fact, requiring him to pay the fine or to show cause before the Court within four days, for not paying the. sentenced/ordered to pay a fine/sum/penalty of.. AND WHEREAS the said..has not paid the said fine/sum/penalty or any part thereof: Now these are to command you to make distress by seizure of the goods and chattels belonging to the, said.which may be found within the district ofand if the said, sum shall not be paid forthwith/within..days next after such distress/to sell the property distrained. (1) A warrant under the hand of the Judge or Magistrate by whom any person shall have been sentenced, ordering that the sentence shall be carried out in any prison within Sierra Leone, shall be sufficient authority to the keeper of such prison and to all other persons for carrying into effect the sentence described in such warrant, not being a sentence of death. 214. 182. 54. Interpretation 2 In these rules: "Act" means The Court of Appeal Act, 2000; "application" includes a motion; "court" means the Court of Appeal; "court appealed from" includes, where appropriate, a tribunal; (2) (a) Proceedings before a Magistrate previous to the committal of an offender for trial or to the determination of the Magistrate that the offender is to be put on trial, shall not be deemed proceedings for the trial of the offence committed by such offender for the purposes of the said consent and certificate under this section. 168. 245. The Criminal Procedure Acts The Goverment of Sierra Leone Information, Sierra Leone Web, Sierra Leone PDF. Ministers and Members of the House of Representatives; iii. (1) ) Every person by pleading generally the plea of "not guilty" shall, without further form, be deemed to have put himself upon his trial, and in any plea of autrefois convict or autrefois acquit it shall be sufficient for any person to state that he has been lawfully convicted or acquitted (acquitted as the case may be) of the said offence charged in the indictment. (6) Where it is necessary to refer to any document or instrument in an information or indictment, it shall be lawful to describe it by the any name or designation By which it is usually known, or by the purport thereof, without setting out any copy thereof. (2) If service in the manner provided in subsection (1) cannot by the exercise of due diligence be effected, the serving constable or person shall affix the same to some conspicuous part of such last or usual place of residence of the person summoned and thereupon the summons shall be deemed to have been duly served. (3)When the whole is made conformable to what the accused declares is the truth, the statement shall be attested by the Magistrate, who shall certify that such statement was taken in his presence and hearing and contains accurately the whole statement made by the accused. 0000012030 00000 n 221. Return of property found on person arrested, and release of property returned in Courts. 90. DATED this.day of. Sealing orders, warrants, etc., not generally necessary. 86. The Sheriff and the Keeper of the Prison, the Medical Officer in charge of the Prison, the Chaplain of the Prison or other minister of religion, and such other officers of the prison as the Sheriff requires shall be present at the. A. (2) ) In this section "petition" means a motion or petition for special leave to appeal to Her Majesty in Council and includes, where appropriate, any application relating to such motion or petition. Judge only may authorize search in Post and Telegraph Offices. (2) If the accused states that he has witnesses to call but they are not present, the Court may, under the circumstances set forth in section 117, take the steps therein mentioned to compel their attendance. 250. In the..Court at. To..(keeper of Prison or constable). Download: Slone Links. 0000003971 00000 n The Magistrate, upon the lists being so settled, shall send signed copies thereof to the Sheriff to the Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff for his district. The Sheriff, before the sitting of any Court whereat a jury shall be necessary, shall, on receiving from the Court a precept, issue summonses requiring the attendance thereat of the persons so drawn as aforesaid from the ballot box, and every such summons shall be personally served upon, or left at the usual or last known place of residence of the person so summoned, two clear days, or such other time as the Court may direct, before the day appointed for the sitting of the Court. Penalty for signing false certificate. 32. 10 Local Courts Act 2011 Short title. (2)Except where express provision is made to the contrary, every sentence shall be deemed to commence from, and to include the whole of the day of the date on which it was pronounced. of Act No. Order for amendment of indictment, separate trial and postponement of trial. When a person is charged with robbery and it is proved that he committed an assault with intent to rob, he may be acquitted of robbery and convicted of an assault with intent to rob although he was not charged with that offence. 7. [1st October, 1965.] At the sitting of the Court, the names of all the jurors summoned, special or common, shall be written on separate pieces of card or paper of equal size and put into boxes, and whenever a jury is required, the Registrar of the Court shall in open Court draw from the proper box by lot until the required number of jurors appear ,who, after all just causes of challenge allowed shall remain as fair and indifferent, and the same shall be done whenever it shall be necessary to form a new jury: Provided that if a case be brought on for trial during the time that a jury in any other case may be deliberating, a new jury may be drawn from the residue of the cards in the boxes. Consequences supervening or not known at time of former trial. 62. anything unless you desire to do so, but whatever you say will be taken down in writing and may be given in evidence upon your trial. 75. 35. 0000071036 00000 n Accused to be informed of complaint. The Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff shall, as soon as may be after having received a copy of the indictment and notice of trial, and three days at least before the day specified therein for trial, or within such lesser time as the Court may for good cause order, by himself or other person authorized by him, deliver to the party charged the said copy and notice and explain to him the nature and exigency thereof, and when the said party is not in custody or shall have been admitted to bail and cannot readily be found, he shall leave a copy of the said indictment and notice of trial with some person of his household for him, at his dwelling house and if none such can be found, shall affix the said copy and notice to the outer or principal door of the dwelling house of the party charged: a.in any such case where an indictment is signed and filed without previous investigation and committal for trial, the accused shall be entitled to at least seven days notice as aforementioned; b.nothing herein contained shall prevent any person in custody or awaiting trial at the opening of or during any sessions, from being tried thereat, if he shall have been served with a copy of the indictment and notice of trial not less than three days or seven days, as the case may be, before the date on which he is to be tried; c.such last-mentioned period of three days or seven days may be reduced to a shorter period, if any such person shall express his assent thereto and no special objection be made on the part of the Crown. (1) Where any person charged before a Magistrate's court with an offence triable upon indictment before the Supreme Court is committed for trial, and it appears to such Magistrate's Court after taking into account anything which may be said with reference thereto by the accused or the prosecutor, that the attendance at the trial of any witness who has been examined before it is unnecessary by reason of anything contained in any statement by the accused person, or of the evidence of the witness being merely of a formal nature, the Magistrate's Court shall, if the witness has not already been bound over, bind him over to attend the trial conditionally upon notice given to him and not otherwise, or shall, if the witness has already been bound over, direct that he shall be treated as having been bound over to attend only conditionally as aforesaid, and shall transmit to the Supreme Court a statement in writing of the names, addresses and occupations of the witnesses who are or who are to be treated as having been, bound over to attend the trial conditionally. 14. The Parliament of Sierra Leone on July 23, 2020 unanimously approved the Independent Media Commission (IMC) Act 2020 and repealed the 1965 Public Order Act (POA) that criminalized libel and sedition in what has been hailed as a historic moment for the media in the country. Each list so prepared and delivered as aforesaid shall constitute the jurors' list for the district for which the same has been prepared, and shall come into operation on the first day of January in the next following year. 0000005510 00000 n (4) When a person is charged with stealing and it is proved that he obtained the chattel, money or valuable security in question in any such manner as would amount under the provisions of the Larceny Act, 1916, to obtaining it by false pretences with intent to defraud, he may be convicted of obtaining it by false pretences although he was not charged with that offence. 7. WHEREAS.(name of prison) a prisoner now in your custody is required to appear before me to. (4)The search warrant shall be executed by the constable or other person who shall have charge thereof; but he may be accompanied by any other persons necessary to assist him. The fact that the indictment has been so signed shall be equivalent to a statement that all conditions required by law to constitute the offence charged, and to give the Court jurisdiction, have been fulfilled in the particular case. To appeal cases should be constructed and separate detention structures sierra leone court act, 1965 pdf be provided prisoner in!, Sierra Leone Web, Sierra Leone PDF of Representatives ; iii not known time... ( keeper of Prison ) a prisoner now in your custody is required to appear me. Parliament on 15 December sierra leone court act, 1965 pdf and signed into law on 1 February 2012 pay all or any specified of! Said a a fine or penalty, and such other persons as the Magistrate may,! 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