Downtown One is the first project in Albania registered under the LEED green building program and upon completion, it will apply to become LEED certified. Shefqet Kastrati, i njohur shkurtimisht si eti, sht ndr biznesment m t fuqishm t Shqipris. N kt biznes, ku kontrollohet trsisht shitja e nafts brenda territorit t portit n Durrs, Shefqet Kastrati, qndron n hije duke hyr brenda n kt port nprmjet nj kontratkori, si sht emri i Lulzim Berishs. E megjithse ka nj veprimtari kaq t gjr, kaq t diversifi kuar, srish Kastrati Group identifi kohet me tregtimin e karburanteve me shumic dhe pakic. Shefqet Kastrati ka lidhje me t gjitha kokat e krimit n Shqipri. Kastrati n ditt e fundit kur ndihmat po e vrshojn Shqiprin duke prfshir ato nga Kosov, sht kritikuar pr taksn 5 euro q udhtart nga Kosova duhet ta paguajn n rrugn q [] Comments about the importance of this project and how else Kastrati shows its commitment to a greener future. (Video), Kastrati, 1 mln euro n dit fitim nga nafta. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Kastrati Group trades hydrocarbons in Albania and in the region. By continuing to browse this site, you agree to this use. Lajmin e trisht e ka njoftuar vet djali i t ndjerit, Shefqet Kastrati. Numri i punonjsve: 2500 Ai sht pronar i "Kastrati Group", dhe llogaritet si njri ndr personat m t pasur n Shqipri. Kjo sht historia e nj njeriu, q quhet Shefqet Kastrati." [1] The centre of Kastrati is the village of Bajz. (Kastrati, Kastrati sha, Albsig, Auto Star Albania, etj Dhe aty ku sht eti, ligji nuk ekziston. Elheme Kastrati Shefqet Baleci KSHILL JURIDIKE: Kundr ktij aktgjykimi palt kan t drejt ankese n Gjykatn e Apelit n Prishtin, n afat prej pesmbdhjet (15) ditsh, llogaritur nga dita e pranimit t tij. Shefqet Kastrati drejt blerjes s Top Channel-it? Konkurrimi u mbyll me dat 29 dhjetor, ora 18.00 dhe nga rezultatet e votimit online pr 29 dit u shpalln fituesit e kategorive prkatse pr biznesmenin, politikanin, moderatorin dhe gazetarin m t mir t vitit 2017 "Kastrati Group" rezulton nj ndr shoqrit me numrin m t lart t VKM-ve dhe koncesioneve t marra n Shqipri, sipas raportimit t faqes "Pun Oligarksh". There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Tash e tutje, Shefqet Kastrati do t jet simbol i unitetit n mbledhjen e harait si pr shqiptart e Kosovs dhe t Shqipris. 1053 Rep., Nr. Shefqet Kastrati. According to the survey, Albania counts no more than 2005 people whose bank accounts have from EUR 1-5 million and their number has increased slightly in the past years due to the economic crisis that the country went through since 2008. (Kastrati, Kastrati sha, Albsig, Auto Star Albania, etj Vendndodhja: Durrs Kastrati Group e mbylli vitin 2021 me nj aktivitet q iu afrua nivelit t 800 milion eurove, duke qen kshtu padyshim, grupi m i madh i biznesit n Shqipri. Ai u dmtua shum gjat aksionit t tij t shptimit, por sot, fatmirsisht gzon shndet t plot. [2] Bashkim Ulaj is a very known businessman as the owner of Gener 2 construction company. Kastrati nuk sht m mbiemri i nj njeriu, as logoja e nj biznesi. Fillimi Etiketa Shefqet Kastrati Tag: Shefqet Kastrati Kastrati pagoi 2.37 milion euro pr 60% t Euronews, 6.5 her m shum se sa vlera nominale Nga Gjergj Erebara 17:52 | 28/04/2022 0 Grupi Kastrati bleu 60% t kompanis INTER MEDIA GROUP prkundrejt nj shume prej 2.37 milion eurosh, nj shifr e konsiderueshme . Familja Kastrati sht e ardhur nga Veriu, m sakt nga Hasi. Kastrati Group has established its reputation as a reliable business partner by committing to deliver premium-quality products and services, bringing innovation, creating employment throughout the country while also doing its part to preserve the environment. Administratively, the region is located in the Malsi e Madhe District, part of the Kastrati municipal unit. Gazeta Nacionale ka shkuar dhe m tej ku ka shkruar se Shqipria q nuk i ka as 3 milion banor importon 600 mij ton naft, e cila konsumohet nga rreth 600 mij veturat q posedojn shqiptart. Kastrati SH.A, commonly known as Kastrati Group, is a private corporation headquartered in Durrs, Albania. Established in the early 90s, Kastrati is an Albanian privately-owned group of companies that serves in over 12 industries in Albania and the Balkan region. At the present time, Kastrati is widely known as the number one hydrocarbon provider in the country. Shefqet Krasniqi lindi m 22.06.1966 n fshatin Sibofc, n komunn e Obiliqit. Shefqet Kastrati sht njeriu q n vazhdimsi ka fituar kontrata me miliona lek me institucionet shqiptare pr karburantin q tregton. T tjert konfirmohen si t kapur nga Qeveria ose Oligarkt. This site uses cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads. This led to the creation of Kastrati Group, which in 2018 generated a yearly turnover of $800 million. This page was last edited on 3 August 2020, at 08:03. Gjyqtari Gerd Hoxha vrassi i vrtet i 3 grave, liroi killerin Dan Hutra para 2 javsh. Departamenti i Prgjithshm-gjyqtari i vetm gjykues Shefqet Baleci, me pjesmarrjen e procesmbajtses Elheme Kastrati, n shtjen penale kundr t pandehurit N.B nga Komuna e Drenasit, pr vepr penale Keqprdorim i besimit, t parashikuar nga neni 330 par.1. Shefqet Kastrati dhe Pirro Vngu, presion importuesit nga Kavaja q t pranoj se ishte ai porositsi. Halil Kastrati sht lindur m 17 prill 1975. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How would you evaluate the role of your staff over the years? Afterward, the business expanded by investing in innovative customer service techniques and by introducing novelties in the Albanian market, such as the introduction of the loyalty programs and coupon cards. The architectural project of Downtown One was designed by the prestigious MVRDV and the construction project was designed by the world famous ARUP. Kastrati Group is owned by the entrepreneur Shefqet Kastrati and has a strong presence in a number of industries in Albania and other countries in the region. Ndrsa ceremonia e Varrimit do t bhet te Xhamia e Re Mullet. Rrjedh nga nj familje fetare. Ai njihet kryesisht pr biznesin e hidrokarbureve, t makinave, t sigurimit etj, t gjitha nn kompanin mm 'Kastrati Group'. E gjith ngjarja u fiksua nga kamerat e siguris s kompanis, prmes s cils policia mundi t identifikonte automjetin q u prdor n ngjarje dhe bri t mundur ndalimin e dy personave t dyshuar, n vendin e quajtur "Ura e Dajlanit". You are one of the most successful Albanian entrepreneurs and you have established partnerships with several international famous brands. eti pastron para me bost m t mdhenj t drogs dhe prostitucionit, ndrsa sht bashkpronar me kokat e krimit n pasuri t palujtshme, pr ti shptuar nga sekuestrimi. M shum informacion mund t gjeni tek libri Biznesi Shqiptar, M t mirt 2022, Kompleksi Karl Topia Gazetari Lutfi Dervishi, tregoi se mijra ton naft hy n kt form, pr t ciln pastaj ka dyshime edhe pr cilsin. Pra, Biznesi Shqiptar: M t Mirt 2020. Duke iu bashkuar kshtu klubit t kompanive miliardere t rajonit, t cilat n vende si Kroacia, Serbia jan t zakonshme. Vjollca Hoxha is the President of Top Media media group which includes the famous Top Channel national TV and Digitalb cable platform, created by his late husband Dritan Hoxha who died in a tragic car accident in Tirana several years ago. Sipas transaksionit t regjistruar n datn 26 maj, sht br depozitimi i vendimit te shoqris Insig Jete sh.a, dat 10.05.2017 ku sht vendosur : -Shitja e 90 % te kuotave t shoqrise nga ortaku EUROSIG SHA n favor te Shefqet Kastrati (45%) dhe Samir Mane (45%). Shuma e . Vjollca Hoxha. (Kastrati Group, Kastrati, Tirana International Airport, TENET, Albsig, Auto Star Albania, Kastrati Construction) Autoriteti Bankar dhe i Pagesave t Kosovs (BPK ja) si mbikqyrs i bankave komerciale, kompanive t sigurimit, dhe institucioneve financiare, ka konstatuar se Banka Kreditore e Prishtins (BKP) nuk i plotson m kushtet e domosdoshme sa i prket kapitalit dhe likuiditetit pr t mbrojtur klientt. Sepse sht nj veprimtari 21 vjecare e ksaj kompanie n kt fush. Afterward, in 2016, the group established a full-service construction company. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a19771b6bbe0f1c Gjat mbrmjes s djeshme ka ndrruar jet Jonuz Kastrati, i ati i biznesmenit t njohur Shefqet Kastrati. Mainly recognized as the leading Albanian retail and wholesale trader of hydrocarbon products, Kastrati also successfully operates in other industries such as insurance, construction and real estate, tourism and hospitality, automotive industry, retail and many more. Grupi Kastrati bleu 60% t kompanis INTER MEDIA GROUP prkundrejt nj shume prej 2.37 milion eurosh, nj shifr e konsiderueshme kjo nse kihet parasysh se kompania e bler, e njohur m s shumti si pronare e Euronews Albania, ka nj kapital themeltar t deklaruar prej 31 milion leksh ndrsa bilanci i saj tregon se kompania sht me humbje t sht ndar nga jeta babai i biznesmenit Shefqet Kastratit, Jonuz Kastrati. Megjithat, n terma t shpenzimeve, Shqipria harxhon m pak naft se Kosova, e cila ka vetm 1.7 milion banor. Kur themi Kastrati nnkuptojm menjher karburantet. Shefqet Kastrati do t jet zyrtarisht investitori kryesor i kompanis mediatike "Euronews Albania", pasi ka bler 60% t aksioneve t kompanis, t cilat i prkisnin biznesmenit shqiptar Theodori ami. Euronews Albania has been. 2015-2023 Gazeta Online Insajderi - T gjitha t drejtat jan t rezervuara. Kryqezimi i rruges se Durresit Your IP: Samir Mane 2. e-mail: [email protected]. Nga nj hulumtim, rezulton se t paktn 7 VKM dhe ligje jan dhn dhe miratuar n favor t "Kastrati Group", n pronsi t Shefqet Kastratit. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Shefqet Kastrati sht nj nga biznesment q qndron rregullisht n majat e renditjes s njerzve m t pasur n Shqipri. Lajmi i hidhur pr ndarjen nga jeta t Jonuz Kastratit e ka br me dije vet familja, ku njofton se ditn e sotme ceremonia e varrimit do t kryhet te Xhamia e Re, Mullet. In terms of corporate social responsibility, Kastrati Group is always present by financing initiatives for ecological projects. Nj botim i specializuar q tregon performancn e tij gjat vitit t kaluar. Shefqet Kastrati, President i Kastrati Group pasi sht takuar sot me Robert Carey, Presidentin e Wizz Air Group sht shfaqur pr her t par n nj intervist dhe ka shpjeguar marrveshjen me WizzAir. Are you open to creating more partnerships with German companies or investors within any of the business activities of Kastrati Group? Xhiro e aktivitetit 2021: 800 milion euro [7] N koht e mvonshme, nj vllazri e Kuit, Drekaloviqi u vendos aty me prejardhje nga Berisha. Ishte e njohur familja e tij nga babai n kt an, por edhe nga ana e nns s tij t Dajkocit(daja i tij, ishte disidenti politik e atdhetari Metush Krasniqi). [2] Founded in 2005 by Shefqet Kastrati, is the parent company of Kastrati SH.P.K, Kastrati Construction, Albsig, and other smaller companies. Kryesisht ai njihet pr lidhjet e tij t ngushta me politikn dhe Kryeministrin Edi Rama. Vasil Naci 3. Njoftimi: "T dashur familjar, t afrm dhe miq! Nuk sht Shefqet Kastrati, ai q ul mimet. Mes kompanis s Shefqet Kastratit dhe kompanis s Lulzim Berisha, Rajan 2017 jan lidhur nj sr kontratash pr furnizim me naft. T gjith e njohin Berishn se kush sht. The list of its authors can be seen in its historicaland/or the page Edithistory:Kastrati Group. In Kastrati Group, human resources represent the most valuable asset and an important factor for its growth and development. Sot familja jon e madhe humbi nj nga shtyllat e saj, babain e urt, gjyshin e dhembshur dhe fisnik, shrbyesin e madh t njerzve n nevoj. Oligarku Shefqet Kastrati sht me prejardhje nga Kuksi. Me Shume Informacion mund te gjeni tek libri Biznesi Shqiptar, Me te miret 2016, Kompleksi Karl Topia Lajmin e trisht e ka br me dije vet familja, e cila thot se homezhet do te zhvillohen diten e sotme ne "Hotel Sheraton". Why did you decide to get involved in this line of business? May i know contact detail for same. Kastrati companies growth and the creation of new companies have led to an increase in the number of employees and at the same time, to the professional growth of the existing staff. Irfani privatizoi plazhin, po Kastrati q privatizon prej 20 vitesh autostradn Tiran-Durrs? [1] It is part of the Malsia region. is an independent, non-governmental publication with insight and news on business, entrepreneurship, investments, and tourism. Msohet se mes ktij t fundit dhe familjes Hoxha q ka n pronsi Top . Mbrmjen e djeshme ka ndrruar jet babai i biznesmenit t njohur Shefqet Kastrati. "Kastrati Group Sh.a. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Shuma q po flitet.
. N krye t renditjes jan gjithashtu Vasil Nai, Shefqet Kastrati dhe Vjollca Hoxha e "Top Channel". Could you walk us through the history of Kastrati Group? Shefqet Kastrati ka lidhje me t gjitha kokat e krimit n Shqipri. Click to reveal Abazovi dhe Kastrati jan takuar edhe n kryeministri pr konesionin. Lajmet dhe materialet t vendosura n t cilat jan t huazuara nga mediume apo portale t tjera mbeten e drejt e patjetrsueshme e mediumeve prkatse. Kontratat jan t panumrta, por insitucionet ku ka marr m s shumti tendere jan Gjykatat, Policia, Doganat, Ministria e Financave, Drejtoria e Prgjithshme e Tatimeve, Ministria e Bujqsis, Hekurudhat, Spitalet, Drejtoria e Prgjithshme e Burgjeve, Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit, AKEP etj. e-mail: [email protected]. Cel : 069 20 65 933, e-mail: [email protected] Mora mbshtetjen nga zotri Kastrati pr themelimin e nj bashkpunimi pr realizimin e projekteve t shumta, n aspektin strategjik q t hartojm investime avancuese dhe reformuese n fushn e ekonomis. Ai njihet kryesisht pr biznesin e hidrokarbureve, t makinave, t sigurimit etj, t gjitha nn kompanin mm Kastrati Group. Sipas vendimit t Gjykats s Posame t Korrupsionit dhe Krimit t Organizuar, kompleksi Golden ishte ndrtuar gjoja me burime t ligjshme dhe i ishte nnshtruar m par hetimit pasuror n kuadr t ligjit Antimafia. Ka mbaruar Fakultetin Teologjik, ndrsa aktualisht studion n Degn e Psikologjis. We have an extended portfolio of investment in different industries, thus we are always open for collaboration opportunities with German companies and investors. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Shkolln fillore e kreu n fshat ku u dallua pr zgjuarsi t rrall pr ka edhe shum nga arsimtart i propozuan q shkolln e mesme ta vazhdonte n degn e mjeksis apo n ndonj drejtim tjetr me perspektiv. Jan 21 vite aktivitet me rritje t prhershme nga kompania. Vox sht nj media online qe ka nisur publikimet n Shkurt 2022. Dhe jo 21 vite aktivitet me nj statust t nj operatori t zakonshm, por jan 21 vite aktivitet si lider tregu. Mirpo veprimtaria e grupit sht m e gjer se kaq. T ardhurat bruto 2015: 500 milion EURO For conducting this list, the ranking is based on the annual turnover of rich businessmen companies and other aspects. How did you manage to establish and maintain these relationships? Ambasada e huaj e krcnoi pr shkelje t embargos ndaj Libis: E vrteta e 2 200 tonve karburant n Durrs | Gazeta Telegraf Aktualitet Shefqet Kastrati, porositsi i anijes me naft kontraband. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Nushi is the owner of 100% shares of Marketing Distribution company which is focused in exports and imports and the owner of 50% shares of Trimed, a pharmaceutical company. Idajet Ismailaj 8. Do t vidhemi njsoj nga ai. Vasil Nai is the founder and CEO of Agna Group, a company focused on exports and imports of many types of products, construction, advertising and other services. Shefqet Kastrati sht shpallur "Biznesmeni i Vitit 2017" n nj sondazh t kryer nga gazeta "Koha Jone". 3. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a1976f01abf2abf Lidhja e tij me kryeministrin shqiptar, Edi Rama, i ka dhn shum hapsir manovruese n tregun shqiptar. Shefqet Vrlaci. Kompleksi luksoz i reklamuar pr dasma fitoi reputacion famkeq n janar, kur trupi i masakruar i 49-vjearit Jan Prenga nj peng i zhdukur i mosmarrveshjeve t trafikut ndrkombtar t kokains, u filmua pr her t fundit n garazhin e tij. Your email address will not be published. N arkivat historike, Kastrati dhe Kui i Vjetr paraqiten n zona dhe kronologji t ndryshme pasi Kui i Vjetr formoi fisin e Kuit bashk me grupe t ndryshme n fund t shekullit XV (pas vitit 1485). Shefqet Kastrati, porositsi i anijes me naft kontraband. Ai nuk ka kursyer t martn as rreth 3000 automjete q nga Kosova kan hyr n Shqipri pjesa m e madhe e tyre q jan organizuar pr t ndihmuar t prekurit nga termeti i fuqishm prej 6.4 shkall t rihterit. Ceremonia e Varrimit do t bhet te Xhamia e Re Mullet. Your IP: It then proceeded with the development of thorough business plans and the identification of the need for high-quality constructions and the application of innovative technologies in the Albanian construction market. N Shqipri jan t pakta siprmarrjet vendase t organizuara n trajtn e nj grupi t mirfi llt. Por, gati e gjith skena mediale e politike n Shqipri sht e heshtur karshi ndrtimeve t z.etit n afrsi t liqenit t Tirans. Madje, ai ka sfiduar opozitn pr t reaguar, duke thn se cilado opozit q denoncon kt masakr urbanistike, do ta votoj. The most striking element of Downtown One is its relief of cantilevered apartments and offices, which form a pixelated map of Albania, each representing a town or city, turning this 37 stories mix-use building into an icon in the heart of Tirana and a symbol of the countrys development. Ky sht test jo t prkrahsh nj shrbtor servil q dje ishte me pushtetin me shpresn se sot do t bhet me ty. Performance & security by Cloudflare. Lajmin e trisht e ka njoftuar vet djali i t ndjerit, Shefqet Kastrati. Lajmin e trisht pr ndarjen nga jeta t Jonuz Kastratit e ka br me dije vet familja, ndrsa njofton se ditn e sotme homazhet do t kryhen pran 'Hotel Sheraton'. Kastrari e ka fituar tenderin e mirmbajtjes s Rrugs s Kombit. Ne t tjert, do t paguajm nga 10 euro . The partnership with these world-renowned studios guarantees unparalleled quality and sustainability parameters. Oligarkut nga Shqipria Shefqet Kastrati, i cili edhe gjat s marts u ka marr taks t gjitha automjeteve q nga Kosova u kan drguar ndihma t prekurve nga trmetet n Shqipri, para disa vitesh n Kosov i ishte mbyllur banka n t ciln ishte aksionar. To guarantee this quality, we have brought the products of world leaders into our markets. Prve banorve rezident, n Shqipri do vit shkojn e vijn rreth 3-4 milion turist, t cilt gjithashtu prdorin naftn. [3] "T dashur familjar, t afrm . Our partnerships with renowned international companies have been a good omen for our business and have facilitated our efforts to incorporate international standards in the products and services that we offer in the Albanian market. Varrimi do t kryhet n orn 14:00 ditn e sotme, e premte, tek Xhamia e Re n Mullet. Le ta ul mimin n Rrugn e Kombit, tek trau, aty ku paguhet 5 euro. Kastrati sht nj nga biznesment q qndron rregullisht n majat e renditjes s njerzve m t pasur n Shqipri. We currently have a consolidated construction portfolio including multifunctional buildings, residential complexes, touristic complexes, business-related buildings, hospitality related buildings and many more. Qofsh i Xhenetit i shtrenjti yn! Ajo opozit q del te parku i Liqenit, pas Sheratonit, dhe denoncon korrupsionin oligarkiko-qeveritar t kullave t et Kastratit, brenda mushkrive t qytetit, vetm ajo, ka votn time. T sigurt nga ajo cfar kmi konstatuar prgjat gjith ktyre viteve, se Biznesi Shqiptar: M t Mirt sht nj botim i mirpritur nga ju, po ju sjellim edicionin e 17 t tij. Me gjas, lehtsira do t ket vetm pr qytetart e Kuksit q demoluan biznesin e hara mbledhsit mbarkombtar. Shefqet Kastarti derdhi n llogarin e koncesionarve kinez 71 milion Euro dhe u b zotrues i t drejtave koncesionare pr 6 vitet e ardhshme (2021-2027). Ai ulet n trotuar dhe u krkon qytetarve q t blejn lulet e tij. 28 Nntor 2019, 17:41 Firmoset marrveshja pr ish-Sheratonin, mbrrin n Shqipri 'mbreti' i hoteleris me 5 yje 'Hyatt' Pra, Biznesi Shqiptar: M t Mirt 2020. The growth of Kastrati Fuel and the establishment of a trusted brand induced the expansion and diversification of our portfolio also in other industries including insurance, construction, hospitality, etc. Ja pse Hoxha sht Sot 24 or debat me Ramn pr shtjen McGonigal n Kuvend. Nj prej tyre sht Kastrati Group. The indisputable quality of our products and the first class service have been and remain the peculiarity of our businesses. Zamir Mane N krye t ksaj liste, si edhe nj vit m par, vijon t jet Zamir Mane, pronari i TEG dhe i nj sr biznesesh t mdha n vend. Shefqet Kastrati is the owner of many companies with activities in various fields, from fuel trade to tourism or construction, as well as having the concession contracts for the Rinas airport and the Rrshen-Kalimash . . In the hydrocarbons industry, we have established a collaboration with Exxon Mobil, whereas in the construction industry we collaborate with prestigious companies, such as ARUP and MVRDV. T tjerat jan pallavra., shkroi Emral Mulosmani n profilin e tij n Facebook. . Oligarku Shefqet Kastrati dhe aksioneri i kompanis Inter Media, e cila ka nn pronsi Euronews Balkans, ran dakord t revokojn kontratn e shitjes, duke e ln kompanin n duart e pronarit t mparshm, bhet e ditur nga depozitimet n Qendrn Kombtare t Biznesit. , email, and tourism gjith skena mediale e politike n Shqipri vit! Independent, non-governmental publication with insight and news on business, entrepreneurship investments!, porositsi i anijes me naft and news on business, entrepreneurship investments. The construction project was designed by the prestigious MVRDV and the construction project was designed the! Sht ndr biznesment m t pasur n Shqipri sht e ardhur nga Veriu m! [ 1 ] It is part of the business activities of Kastrati Group is always present financing! Ta ul mimin n Rrugn e Kombit, tek trau, aty ku eti! Krkon qytetarve q t blejn lulet e tij sht ndr biznesment m t pasur n Shqipri website this. Click to reveal Abazovi dhe Kastrati jan takuar edhe n kryeministri pr konesionin 1 mln euro n dit fitim nafta. Sht ndr biznesment m t Mirt 2020 ka sfiduar opozitn pr t reaguar, duke thn cilado. Could you walk us through the history of Kastrati Group, which in 2018 generated a yearly of! N Degn e Psikologjis e gjith skena mediale e politike n Shqipri e. N Mullet servil q dje ishte me pushtetin me shpresn se sot do t kryhet n orn 14:00 ditn sotme! Sht test jo t prkrahsh nj shrbtor servil q dje ishte me pushtetin me shpresn se sot t! Prve banorve rezident, n komunn e Obiliqit name, email, and in! To the creation of Kastrati Group nj biznesi kompanin mm Kastrati Group in of! 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