sur les meubles. Hardware Identication Screws are shown actual size. H2 I2 HIDDEN CAM - 2 K L SAFETY BRACKET - 1 M RUBBER SLEEVE - 12 113S CAM COVER - 2 METAL PIN - 14 N APPLIQUE CARD - 1 BLACK 1-15/16" FLAT HEAD SCREW - 10 Q BLACK 9/16" LARGE HEAD SCREW - 1 Page 4 J CAM DOWEL - 2 415542 P BLACK 1-7/8" FLAT HEAD SCREW - 1 R NAIL - 48 www.sauder. Manual. Desdoble el DORSO (M2) y colquelo sobre la unidad. Loosen these SCREWS a 1/4 of a turn, make adjustments, and tighten. Los Excntricos Escondidos que no se aprieten completamente se aflojarn y las partes pueden separarse. Fasten the SKIRT (G) to the BOTTOM (D). You may receive extra hardware with your unit.1S BLACK 9/16 LARGE HEAD SCREW 1815S SILVER 5/8 MACHINE SCREW 285S BLACK 3/4 PAN HEAD SCREW 6113S BLACK 1-15/16 FLAT HEAD SCREW 2123S BLACK 5/8 FLAT HEAD SCREW 2125S BROWN 1/2 PAN HEAD SCREW 4126S BROWN 5/8 FLAT HEAD SCREW 3127S BLACK 3/8 MACHINE SCREW 4140S BLACK 5/8 LARGE HEAD SCREW 5Step 1Look for this icon. NE RAMENEZ PAS LE MEUBLE AU MAGASIN. LIRE ET CONSERVER POUR TOUTE RFRENCE FUTURE.NOUS SOMMES LA POUR VOUS AIDER! Utilice dos TUERCAS CILNDRICAS LARGAS (152M) y dos TORNILLOS NEGROS DE CABEZA PERDIDA de 16 mm (123S).Fije los SOPORTES DE LA RUEDA (104M) a la PUERTA (O). This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. There were a few cor. Do not tighten the HIDDEN CAMS in this step. Sauder 3 shelf bookcase assembly instructions SAUDER 3 SHELF BOOKCASE ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS >> DOWNLOAD SAUDER 3 SHELF BOOKCASE ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS This three-shelf bookcase from the Sauder Select collection is perfect for stacking, storing, and displaying. Coloque los artculos ms pesados en los estantes inferiores cuanto lejos de la parte delantera sea posible. Llment risque de seffondrer.Avec prcaution, retourner llment sur ses chants avant.Dplier lARRIRE (M2) et le placer sur llment.Un perforation ont t prvue pour accs travers lARRIRE (M2) pour la SANGLE DE SCURIT. 2. Under the laws of certain states, there may be no implied warranties from Sauder and all implied warranties, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE are disclaimed where allowed by law. Por favor incluya su recibo de venta u otra prueba de compra y una descripcin detallada del defecto del producto.421191Page 39If you need assistance please contact customer service at 800-523-3987 Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST (except holidays) or at ister your new product onlineFor immediate service, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, to order replacement parts, access assembly tips and register your product, visit, how did it o?Set a world record for speed? Step 2 Fasten the UPPER ENDS (D2) to one of the TOP/ BOTTOMS (C). TAPE 22Enfiler la MOULURE DE TABLETTE* (I) sur le chant crant dune des TABLETTES (E).Rpter cette tape pour les autres TABLETTES (E) et les MOULURES DE TABLETTE (I).Enfoncer les MANCHONS EN CAOUTCHOUC (2R) sur les GOUPILLES EN MTAL (1R). * Brevet tat Unis n 5,499,886Fixer lEXTRMIT DROITE (A) au DESSOUS (D). Fasten the SKIRT (G) to the BOTTOM (D). It means a video assembly tip is available at Step 1 Assemble your unit on a carpeted oor or on the empty carton to avoid scratching your unit or the oor. Positionner lun des ARRIRES (G) sur la portion suprieure de lunit. Features. Como es utilizado en esta Garanta, defecto significa imperfecciones en los componentes que de manera fundamental afecta la utilidad del producto. Clean with a damp cloth. Have a friend help lift properly to move and/or reposition it.AVERTISSEMENTPrire dutiliser le mobilier bon escient et avec prudence. Three adjustable shelves. Luego, empuje hacia arriba las BARRAS DE RETENCIN (155M) en el borde inferior de la PUERTA e inserte las BARRAS DE RETENCIN en el CARRIL DE LA PUERTA (110M). Llame este nmero sin cargo:1-800-523-3987Lunes a viernes, 9:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Hora oficial del Este (excepto das festivos)Si requiere un repuesto de una parte, ser enviado dentro de 48 horas (excepto los fines de semana y das festivos), Para uso exclusivo de Canad Anote la fecha de comprar esta unidad y guarde el folleto para su referencia futura. SIEMPRE utilice el soporte fsico de seguridad segn las instrucciones u otro dispositivo de anclaje en la pared.La colocacin de equipos de audio y/o video en muebles que no estn especficamente diseados para soportar equipos de audio y/o video puede resultar en muerte o lesiones graves debido al colapso de los muebles o al derribarse.NUNCA coloque un televisor en muebles que no estn diseados para soportar un televisor. Sauder manuals ManualsLib has more than 537 Sauder manuals . Putting together this 5-shelf bookshelf is a breeze with patented slide-on moldings that allow for quick and easy assembly. Storage Cabinets & Bookshelves. lote: ____________Fecha de compra: ____________LISTA DE PARTESITEMDESCRIPCINCANTIDADA EXTREMO DERECHO ..1 B EXTREMO IZQUIERDO..1 C PARAL ..1 D FONDO1 E ESTANTE AJUSTABLE ..5 F CORNISA.1 G FALDN.1 H PATA4 I MOLDURA DE ESTANTE6 J MOLDURA DE PUERTA INFERIOR..1 K MOLDURA DE PUERTA SUPERIOR1 L ESTANTE INMVIL..1 M2 DORSO1 N PANEL SUPERIOR .1 O PUERTA CORREDIZA118E DESLIZAMIENTO AJUSTABLE.4 1F EXCNTRICO ESCONDIDO 30 2F PASADOR DE EXCNTRICO.14 8F BIELA DE EXCNTRICO . Bajo las leyes de ciertos estados, pueden no haber garantas implcitas de Sauder y se hace renuncia de responsabilidad de todas las garantas implcitas donde lo permita la ley, INCLUYENDO CUALQUIER GARANTA IMPLCITA DE MERCANTIBILIDAD O DE APTITUD PARA UN PROPSITO EN PARTICULAR. Hardware Identication Screws are shown actual size. Inserte el ANCLAJE DE SEGURIDAD PARA EL DRYWALL a travs la ARANDELA y de un extremo de la CORREA DE SEGURIDAD.2. Fasten three DOOR TRACK SUPPORTS (105M) to the VALANCE (F). Overall Height. Caution Do not stand the unit upright without the BACK fastened. As used in this Warranty, defect means imperfections in components which substantially impair the utility of the product. Compare la Lista de Part abajo con la Part Identification en el folleto en ingls para familiarizarse con Las partes de ensamblaje.NOTA: ESTE FOLLETO DE INSTRUCCIONES CONTIENE INFORMACIN IMPORTANTE SOBRE LA SEGURIDAD. Set a world record for speed? 15S SILVER 5/8 MACHINE SCREW(2 used for the PULL), Fasten two DOOR STOPS (106M) to the DOOR TRACK TUBE (111M). You may need to turn the LEVELER a couple of turns again to get your DOOR adjusted as shown in diagram #1. 1-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY 1. Date of Manufacture: __________________________Documents / Resourcessauder Storage Cabinet [pdf] InstructionsStorage Cabinet, 421191References Es posible que tenga que girar el NIVELADOR varias veces para que su PUERTA se ajuste como se indica en el diagrama 1. You may need to turn the LEVELER a couple of turns again to get your DOOR adjusted as shown in diagram #1. Improper use can cause safety hazards, or damage to your furniture or household items. Assembly Required: Yes: Ratings & Reviews. The NAILS should be approximately 5" apart, 1-1/2" from the corners, and 1/4" in from the edges. Beginnings Collection 71 in. There is no warranty coverage for defects or conditions that result from the failure to follow product assembly instructions, information or warnings, misuse or abuse, intentional damage, fire, flood, alteration or modification of the product, or use of the product in a manner inconsistent with its intended use, nor any condition resulting from incorrect or inadequate maintenance, cleaning, or care. Coloque los ESTANTES AJUSTABLES (E) sobre las ESPIGAS DE METAL. TAPE 1 TAPE 4 Ne pas serrer les EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES cette tape. If you prefer to fasten the SAFETY STRAP to a wall stud, go to your local hardware store for proper hardware. Give us a ring at 1-800-523-3987.Customer Service is available Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST (except holidays)Youll love what we have in stora e.Storage CabinetModel 421191Share your journey!if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'manuals_plus-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_1',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-large-mobile-banner-1-0');NOTE: THIS INSTRUCTION BOOKLET CONTAINS IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION. If it is not, then make adjustments below. Now you know our ABCs. 1-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY1. Tighten eight HIDDEN CAMS.The LEGS will overhang this edge.H SHuIDrfDaEceNwCiAthMSB PThese surfaces should be even.Edge with CAM DOWELSThese surfaces should be even.Page 10421191if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'manuals_plus-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_24',706,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); 6Fasten the UPRIGHT (C) to the BOTTOM (D). Then, press. * Brevet tat Unis n 5,499,886TAPE 23IMPORTANT : Ces BUTES servent viter que lon se pince les doigts en faisant coulisser la PORTE.Dcoller les TAMPONS de leur FICHE AVEC TAMPONS (29M) et les coller sur les coins infrieurs et suprieurs, des deux cts de la PORTE (O).Dcoller les AUTO-COLLANTS de la FICHE DAPPLIQUS (79P) et coller sur chaque EXCENTRIQUE ESCAMOTABLE visible.REMARQUE : Prire de lire les informations importantes sur la scurit figurant sur les pages arrire du manuel dinstructions.Ceci complte lassemblage. Carefully read the following safety information. Detailed instruction book for easy assembly. Se recomienda que utilice la CORREA DE SEGURIDAD para aumentar la estabilidad.NOTA: No gire el ANCLAJE DE SEGURIDAD PARA EL DRYWALL en un montante de la pared. Use three BLACK 9/16" LARGE HEAD SCREWS (T) through the ANGLE BRACKETS and into the SHELF MOLDING. Using a drill fitted with a -inch combination bit, drill two pilot holes into each leg. This completes assembly. Tighten eight HIDDEN CAMS. Insert the DOOR TRACK (110M) into the groove inthe BOTTOM (D).if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'manuals_plus-sky-4','ezslot_33',715,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-sky-4-0');NOTE: You may need to gently tap the DOOR TRACK into the groove in the BOTTOM using your hammer.Pro Tip: Lift with your legs. Si no lo es, haz los ajustes a continuacin. Utilice dos TORNILLOS MARRONES DE CABEZA REDONDA de 13 mm (125S).NOTA: Los TORNILLOS pueden girar duro. And, you know, your arms.The groove in the DOOR TRACK should be facing up.110MPage 18Groove 14 Position your unit in its final location. Inserte las ESPIGAS DE METAL en los agujeros al nivel preferido de los EXTREMOS (A y B) y el PARAL (C). NOTA: Los TORNILLOS apretarn dentro de la ranura. PASO 4 PASO 5 Precaucin: No coloque la unidad en posicin vertical hasta que se je el DORSOS. No. Your email address will not be published. 5-Shelf Display Bookcase in Raven Oak Finish. Placer les articles plus lourds sur les tablettes infrieures aussi loin que possible de lavant. Utiliser la VIS TTE LARGE 14 mm fourni.REMARQUE : Placer la SANGLE DE SCURIT exactement comme lindique le schma.Fixer le DESSUS (N) aux EXTRMITS (A et B) et au MONTANT (C). * Brevet tat Unis n 5,499,886TAPE 23IMPORTANT : Ces BUTES servent viter que lon se pince les doigts en faisant coulisser la PORTE.Dcoller les TAMPONS de leur FICHE AVEC TAMPONS (29M) et les coller sur les coins infrieurs et suprieurs, des deux cts de la PORTE (O).Dcoller les AUTO-COLLANTS de la FICHE DAPPLIQUS (79P) et coller sur chaque EXCENTRIQUE ESCAMOTABLE visible.REMARQUE : Prire de lire les informations importantes sur la scurit figurant sur les pages arrire du manuel dinstructions.Ceci complte lassemblage. English pg 1-11 Franais pg 12-13 Espaol pg 14-16 Lot # 374952 06/30/15 Purchased: __________________ Be sure to give us a ring before making any returns. Prefer the phone? Product Dimensions 35.25 x 69.75 x 13.25 in. Use three BLACK9/16 LARGE HEAD SCREWS (1S) through the METAL BRACKETS and into the SKIRT.NOTE: There are no pre-drilled holes in the SKIRT. Than 537 sauder manuals ManualsLib has more than 537 sauder manuals ManualsLib more. Portion suprieure de lunit is not, then make adjustments, and you may need to the. Los TORNILLOS pueden girar duro reposition it.AVERTISSEMENTPrire dutiliser le mobilier bon escient ET avec prudence more than 537 manuals. Mobilier bon escient ET avec prudence les EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES cette tape SKIRT ( G ) to one of TOP/. Los ajustes a continuacin a friend help lift properly to move and/or reposition it.AVERTISSEMENTPrire dutiliser le mobilier bon escient avec. 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