Wartime operations often force the sergeant first class to lead a platoon when the officer in charge is killed or wounded. Sergeants are among the field leaders of military units. Supervises, plans, or operates manual, mechanical and electronic multimedia imaging equipment to integrate armament delivery recordings and various visual information products to report combat and non-combat Army, Joint and Combined operations; creates illustrations, layouts, map overlays, posters, graphs, charts and internet web pages in support of battlefield operations, psychological operations, military intelligence, medical, public affairs and training functions; performs unit level maintenance on assigned equipment and PMCS on assigned vehicles and generators. Supervise the installation, operation, deployment, provisioning, maintenance of electronic IP based nodal assemblages, combat net radios and all related COMSEC devices. Processing procedures for unit activation, inactivation, establishment, discontinuance, and reorganization (force accounting). Visit your transition assistance office or the family services and . Overseeing Development, Implementation and Maintenance of Software and Server Resources. Interpret orders and compile system statistics for the shift and node. City, STATE 2013 - Current Non Commissioned Officer, in charge of Commander's Support Staff at AFROTC detachment, managing over 30 administrative programs for over 140 cadets and cadre; Monitors and updates all cadet pay actions in excess of $1 million annually . Serves as a Forward Signal Support NCO in a 155mm (Paladin) Battalion; performs senior operator duties and unit level maintenance functions; resposnsible for training personnel in the installation, operation, and maintenance of SINGARS, ASIP and associated line of site equipment; and BFT Command and Control systems; accountable for the supervision, health and welfare of five Soldiers. Serves as a Rear Detachment Human Resources NCOIC for the 306th Aerial Exploitation Battalion (AEB), consisting of 275 Officers and Enlisted; supervises and manages the processing and tracking of all personnel actions, awards, NCOERs, promotions, suspension of favorable actions, leaves and passes, Change of Command, award ceremonies and military pay actions; responsible for processing transactions into E-MILPO; responsible for the health, welfare, training and professional development of two NCOs and fifteen Soldiers; responsible for automation equipment valued at over $8000. Staff members inform and advise the commander and other staff members concerning all matters pertaining to their individual fields of interest and related functional responsibilities. There is nothing ordinary about this job or those who go out and do it every day. Coordinates and supervises team member activities in the construction, installation and recovery of cable and wire communications systems and auxiliary equipment. Serves as principle or subordinate spectrum manager in JTF/CJTF or on the staff of a Joint, Combined, or Coalition activity who develops Joint Spectrum Use Plan, maintains, assigns, and deconflicts EMS information in JTF/CJTF database and resolves EMS interference in a JTF/CJTF. Each NCO rank takes charge of specific areas of military organization. Develops, enforce policy and procedure for facility OPSEC and physical security in accordance with regulations and policies. Daily syncs utilizing the battalion's communications plan, or PACE, will validate these systems initially, but communications checks at range and technical rehearsals will solidify the C2 relationships before the bullets . Responsibilities are defined per individual by OIC and XO and may differ between other staff within the billet. Managed the creation and transition of users' accounts/mailboxes and network printers tactical and garrison environments. They provide administrative support to units under their command. Ensures PMCS and maintenance functions are performed in accordance with published schedules. It is the first sergeant's duty to hold formations, instruct platoon sergeants and assist the commander in supervising unit operations. 25U20/Signal Support Systems NCO Supervise, install, operate and performs unit level maintenance on multi functional/multi user information processing systems, peripheral equipment, associated devices in mobile and fixed facilities. Responsible for the health and wealthfare, mentorship and training of two Soldiers. DUTY: A duty is something you must do by virtue of your position and is a legal or moral obligation. Writes or interpret operation orders and prepares standing operating procedures (SOP) for HF operations. Supervise development of the ISP, IMP and the IMMP. Establish and operate the printing and duplication program. Supervises, plans, and executes the installation, operation, and maintenance of Signal support systems and network integration using radio, wire, and battlefield automated systems (BAS). Provide advice and assistance to subordinate units for mission accomplishment and career progression of other Electromagnetic Spectrum Managers. The S6 is the center of gravity for the Signal Corps and it is our responsibility to ensure that . Perform Information Services Support Office (ISSO) duties of printing, publications, records management and Communication Security (COMSEC) custodian functions and certification authority duties in support of the Defense Message System (DMS). Provides technical guidance on complex operations and maintenance tasks; adjusts and maintains TV and radio equipment to prescribed standards; ensures that proper techniques and procedures to diagnose malfunctions of VI and associated equipment are employed; supervises receipt, storage, and issue of VI supplies. Writes standing operating procedures (SOP) pertaining to multichannel operations. Provide leadership and supervision as Platoon Sergeant in tactical satellite (TACSAT) platoon. Performing duties as given by OIC, IMO OIC or general staff. The rank gives a soldier the authority to make decisions and to direct personnel . Coordinates team logistic requirements. These levels apply across the entire spectrum of the enlisted force structure. Compiles production report data and quality control information. Supervises, install, operate, and perform unit level maintenance on multichannel line of site and tropospheric scatter communications systems, communications security (COMSEC) devices, and associated equipment. Directs unit Signal training and provides technical advice and assistance to commanders. Prepares system and equipment related forms and reports. Supervises, install, operate and perform field level maintenance on IP based high speed electronic nodal systems; integrated network control centers; network management facilities; associated multiplexing and transit cased subscriber interface equipment; Communications Security (COMSEC) devices; and other equipment associated with network nodal operations. Plan, organize and conduct technical inspections. Develop, direct, and supervise training programs to ensure Soldier proficiency and career development. Plans, supervises and integrates the installation, operation and maintenance of signal support systems, to include radio, wire, cable and battlefield automated systems. Ensure compliance with security regulations governing HF radio, COMSEC and automated data processing (ADP) equipment used with HF equipment. Assisting OIC with administrative and technical duties. Responsible for all matters concerning signal operations, automation Information management, network management, and information security. Plans, supervises and executes unit level maintenance programs for user owned and operated signal equipment. Performs senior operator duties and unit level maintenance functions; resposnsible for training personnel in the installation, operation, and maintenance of SINGARS, ASIP and associated line of site equipment and BFT Command and Control systems; accountable for the supervision, health and welfare of five Soldiers. Develop policies and procedures for the . Maintain records pertaining to information system operations. Supervises and performs as team chief or team member, in the installation, operation, employment, and field level maintenance on electronic IP based nodal assemblages and associated equipment. Please share your thoughts and insights . Coordinate logistical support, as established in the facility Standing Operating Procedures (SOP), or commercial activities contract. Troubleshoot complex system faults, supervise or correct failures to meet system availability and reliability standards. Prepares properly formatted frequency requests, forwards the request to the appropriate civilian or military agency, receives the frequency approval, and submits assignments to the frequency database. Supervises and performs complex and multifaceted nodal operations functions. Supervises and performs complex and multifaceted switching operations functions. S6 Duties and Responsibilities Memo 1. Assimilates and reports system/network statistics. Install, operates, and performs PMCS on power generators. Assistant Task Force Training NCO: Assistant Training NCOIC for a forward deployed task force assigned to the _____; responsible for development, coordination and execution of in-service Afghanistan Police sustainment instruction and train-the-trainer program; accountable for the organization and supervision of a ___ man Provincial SWAT team and four team leaders to include combat readiness . Performs field level maintenance on authorized signal equipment and associated electronic devices. Assist users in obtaining spectrum supportability through appropriate federal and host nation agencies. Served as the Casualty Affairs NCOIC for the Regimental Casualty Affairs Cell (RCAC); responsible for receiving, tracking, and coordinating DA directed notifications for all killed in action, wounded in action, and non-battle injuries from the forward deployed Regiment; responsible for training and guiding the Regimental command group in proper handling of DA notifications; responsible for coordinating and arranging for proper funeral arrangements with the utmost dignity and respect for the Regiment's killed in action; responsible for the health, welfare and discipline of three NCOs. Prepares maintenance and supply requests for unit level signal support. Administration Monitor NCO, Duties and Responsibilities 14-15 Warehouse Monitor NCO, Duties and Responsibilities 16-17 . Receives frequency interference reports from victim units, takes appropriate steps to resolve interference, reports problem to higher headquarters for assistance, and maintains frequency charts, diagrams, reports, and a database of frequency interference incidents. Technical units assign staff sergeants to maintain and operate specialized equipment. Manage security programs for satellite operations. Assists in planning, organizing and supervising the conduct of all Cadet training. Plans for the unit level training in all signal skills and develops and implements unit level signal maintenance programs; monitors maintenance and supply requests for unit level signal support, provides technical advice and assistance to commanders. Assigns work crews and coordinates activities of personnel to meet workload demands. Operates and performs preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) on assigned vehicles. Experience. Provide technical assistance, resolve problems for information services support personnel, functional users and functional staff. Effective staff members know their respective responsibilities and duties. Specifically, the S-4: (1) Plans, coordinates, and supervises the storage, issue and recovery of all supplies, ordnance, and equipment. Assist in reconfiguration of IP based nodal systems equipment as needed. Contact [email protected] Disclaimer. Senior Signal Support Systems NCO 25U20 Plans, directs, supervises and manages the installation, operation, and maintenance of Information Mission Area (IMA) Signal support functions within an integrated Army, Joint, or Defense telecommunications network, to include coordinating the resolution of communication difficulties within Army operated Signal systems and networks, and between Army, Joint, Defense and commercial telecommunications activities. Primary Mission Requirements of a Battalion-Level Personnel Assistance Center (PAC) The Battalion S1 (AKA PAC) has about six primary mission requirements and additional duties (categorized under miscellaneous) that can often be very time consuming The NCOIC must keep a good balance between the daily operations and additional duties in order for the PAC to function successfully . Plans and conducts Division, Brigade, and Battalion Signal support operations and user owned and operated Signal equipment training. Coordinates external Signal support mission requirements. Non-commissioned officers' duties include leading soldiers' training for military operations, responding to the soldiers' concerns that involve their physical and mental well-being, and utilizing military equipment and tools properly while following strict regulatory procedures. Human Resources Readiness NCOIC Interprets orders and compiles system statistics for the Shift or Node. Meets with OIC/XO/NCOIC monthly as per department guidelines. Briefs staff and operations personnel on information systems matters. Interpret, disseminate and implement network changes/reconfigurations affecting nodal network architecture operations. Conduct quality assurance of information systems operations. Provide verbal and written guidance and direction for the installation, operation and maintenance of specified battlefield information services. Disseminates network orders, compiles operational statistics and reports, and processes requests for logistic support. Plans and provide unit level training for automation and communications systems and Signal support equipment. S6 Developer staff is a provisional billet where duties or responsibilities may change at a given notice. Supervise, plan and executes the installation, operation, and maintenance of all signal support systems to include local area and wide area networks and routers; responsible for network integration using radio, wire, satellite and battlefield automated systems; direct unit signal training and provides technical advice and assistance; develops and executes communications security management (COMSEC) policies and guidelines within the Battalion; manages automation setup, accountability, distribution and troubleshooting of information systems and devices valued at $653,727 assigned to the battalion; responsible for the training health and welfare of five Soldiers. Control and use Signal Operating Instructions (SOI). Provides technical assistance and unit level training for automation, communication and user owned and operated automated telecommunications computer systems, to include local area networks and routers; signal communications support electronic equipment; and satellite radio communications equipment. o Skill Level 4 MOSC 25U4O. Read More On This Subject:https://www.part-time-commander.com/battalion-s1-duties-and-responsibilities-and-job-description/Our MissionTo educate and motivate. Coordinate logistical support for subordinate teams. Use the present tense to identify what the rated NCO is supposed to do in his or her duty position. Write operating policy and procedures for microwave and technical control facilities. For example, it is the supply sergeant's duty to issue equipment and keep records of the unit's supplies. Introduction: This position is for the Assistant S4/S6 NCO assigned to HHD, Group . By asking the customer targeted questions and using remote troubleshooting tools, they identify the problem and perform fixes or suggest recommended actions. Implement COMSEC, operation security (OPSEC) and physical security policies. (5) A security clearance of SECRET. (b) Inspect the work of the cadet battalion staff and make other inspections as directed by the cadet battalion commander. Detachment 165, Air Force ROTC Southeat Region - NCOIC, Commander's Support Staff. Supervise, install, operate, perform preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) and organizational level maintenance on assigned amplitude modulation (AM) radios, Enhanced Position Location and Reporting System (EPLRS) net control stations, Army Special Operations communications systems, to include communication security (COMSEC) devices and associated equipment. Perform network operations center tasks for planning, reconfiguration and employment of nodal systems equipment. At the battalion level, the S2 officer usually holds the rank of first . Echelon: Combat Support Hospital Princple Duty Title: S6, NCOIC Duty MOSC: 25U5O Duty Description: Serves as the S6 NCOIC of a 90-bed Combat Support Hospital comprised of two Level III facilities at two locations in Iraq and in excess of 625 personnel in support of OIF XX-XX; advises and assists the commander, staff, and subordinate units on tactical and non-tactical communications systems . Common Staff Activities, Responsibilities, and Duties, S6 Administrator Standard Operating Policy (SOP), https://wiki.7cav.us/index.php?title=S6_Department_-_Responsibilities_and_Duties&oldid=8872, S6 Department - Operation Planning & Briefings. executes requests from superiors and facilitates communications with other S-departments and players to educate and maintain relations. Supervises and performs management and administrative duties related to personnel, systems operations, and logistics. Performs Signal staff functions and coordinates Signal activities with higher, lower and adjacent headquarters. Recognize electronic countermeasures (ECM) and implement electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM). Performs as a Communication NCO for an M777A2 Field Artillery Battery organic to the ___________________ with the mission of providing timely and accurate 155mm fires in direct support of brigade operations; responsible for advising and assisting the battery commander on all communication equipment, capabilities, and integration; responsible for the professional development of ___ NCO and _____ Soldiers; responsible for the maintenance and accountability for all battery and installation communication equipment over $___________. S6 Game Clerk is the point of contact for their respective assignment and has the authority to modify servers within their responsibility in accordance with department standards. Serves as the Senior Switch Operator of a Node Center in a Mobile Subscriber Equipment (MSE) platoon in support of the Basic Officer Leadership Course III (BOLC); maintains serviceability and accountability of _____ M1037 tactical vehicles, ___ switch assemblages, and ___ PU-798 power generating units including all associated equipment valued over $___________; responsible for the health, welfare, training, morale and professional development of ___ Soldiers. Perform system studies using established techniques to develop new or revised system applications and programs. Forward Signal Support NCO: Serves as a Forward Signal Support NCO for a ___ man SBCT Infantry Rifle Company; responsible for the installation and operation of signal system support for the Company; advises the Commander all communications matters to include the planning, resourcing, and employment of all communication equipment; responsible for the training of ___ Radio Telephone Operators (RTOs) in digital and voice tactical communications to include their proficiency in those tasks; responsible for the accountability and unit level maintenance of MTOE equipment worth $_______. Supervise or prepare technical studies, evaluations, reports, correspondence and records pertaining to multi-functional/multi-user information processing systems. 3. Communicates with OIC, XO, NCOIC to assess and report on efficiency and issues with their respective role. Integrates signal systems and networks; performs unit level maintenance on authorized signal equipment and associated electronic devices; trains and provides technical assistance to users of signal equipment; and operates and performs preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) on assigned vehicles and power generators. Conduct technical evaluations of equipment and facilities. They must be able to lead troops in accomplishing mission assignments. Interprets circuit diagrams and operations order extracts. Supervises, installs, maintains and troubleshoots signal support systems and terminal devices, to include radio, wire and battlefield automated systems (BAS). If the platoon leader, usually a lieutenant, is not present the platoon sergeant commands the platoon. Disseminate TSO to subordinate shifts, assemblages, or stations. The S6 is a primary staff officer within a battalion. Installs, operates, and maintains designated radio and data distribution systems. Directs restoration and alternate routing of circuits, trunks, links, and systems. Provides oversight of staff tasks and objectives. Supervise, plan, coordinate and direct the employment, operation, management and unit level maintenance of multi-functional/multi-user information processing systems in mobile and fixed facilities. Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Prepares and maintains reports, records, and operational databases used to conduct Signal support functions in both tactical and strategic environments. Ensures contingency operations plans and routing subsystems are correctly maintained in the database to reflect current operational scenario. Serve as advisor, for EMS management, to the commander. 07/2001. S6 Game Clerks are responsible for maintaining and implementing tasks within their assigned duties. They are responsible for the men and women in their unit, their equipment, appearance and personal conduct. Administering and monitoring the 7Cav organizations servers and resources. Executing standards and policies provided by OIC and general staff. (2) Physical Profile: 111221 Operate and perform preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) on assigned vehicles and power generators. Plans and provide unit level training for automation and communications systems and Signal support equipment. Develops frequency operational requirements, telecommunications service requests, and disseminates operations information to ensure C2 communications connectivity. Maintaining communication with OIC and subordinates. Need to understand the duties and responsibilities of their staff NCOs during the military decision-making process (MDMP). Coordinating with XO and NCOIC on Staff Training, Involvement and Discipline. NCOIC EPR Bullets. 25U Signal Support Systems Specialist Plans, programs, and supervises personnel performing visual information support for Army, Joint, and Combined operations; manages documentation/production, multimedia illustration, television production and distribution, and VI equipment repair operations and facilities supporting combat documentation, psychological operations, military intelligence, public affairs, training, and special functions; supervises PMCS on assigned vehicles and power generators. o Skill Level 5 MOSC 25U5O. You can help the units achieve training goals and ensure that the entire battalion functions effectively. Signal Support Systems Specialist Their leadership role is necessary and maintained on and off the battlefield. Manager is a perfectly accurate term for NCOIC responsibilities. We need more examples. Submits consolidated logistic and system status reports. Directs unit signal training and provides technical advice and assistance to commanders. Shop Foreman of a Forward Direct Support Communications Electronics repair facility. Like many young officers before me, I waited and worked hard for the opportunity to lead a company of American soldiers. The 101st Airborne Division G-8 published a division operation order 60 days before phase two training to announce training requirements, roles, responsibilities, and the hands-on training courses. Company Communications NCOIC Generic NCOIC Duty Description Manages all activities in the workcenter for the Commander; serves as focal point for all matters pertaining to the mission and ensures mission accomplishment; develops and maintains an effective training plan; delegates responsibilities; schedules work assignments and assigns tasks fairly and equitably; ensures compliance with Safety requirements and the . The course then covered some of the systems and technical aspects of the S6 job including Mission Command Systems, Client and Server Operations, networking, WIN-T, Spectrum Management, Combat Net . Job Description Phrases . Assist in staff supervision of information services. Performs or supervises quality control and technical evaluation inspections. Executes telecommunications service orders (TSO). Supervises the installation, operation, strapping, re-strapping, preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) and unit level maintenance on COMSEC devices. S6 Developers may be tasked to provide advice, consultation of, implementation of and oversight of various resources owned or controlled by the 7th Cavalry. Conduct briefings on the status, relationship and interface of information processing systems within assigned area of interest. Performs operational planning for an IBCT that is composed of over 4,000 Soldiers; supervises thirty Soldiers with processing operations, logistics, administrative and intelligence information within the largest BDE in the CA ARNG; provides tactical and technical guidance in order to professionally support organizations with accomplishing their missions thru effective Mission Essential Task List (METL) validations; supervises the execution of plans, tactical operations and training for six subordinate battalions; edits and prepares SOPs for up to 40 companies and detachments; responsible for 10x essential Mission Command systems valued at $10 million dollars; $6.1 million in munitions CL V; serves as the Plans NCOIC Mission Command Post. Major Duties: The Signal Support Systems Specialist supervises, installs, employs, maintains, troubleshoots, and assists users with battlefield Signal support systems and terminal devices; integrates Signal systems and networks; performs unit level maintenance on authorized Signal equipment and associated electronic . Coordinates, integrates, and controls the operation of large and small electronic node switches with associated transmission systems and local network subscribers. Reviewed and edited correspondence prior to release and submission for signature. The department staff must function as a single, cohesive unit, and professional team. A non-commissioned officer In charge (NCOIC) occupies a position of responsibility and respect in the military chain of command. Configure information processing equipment into required operating configurations. Operates and performs PMCS on assigned vehicles. Perform COMSEC management functions and ISSO/Systems Administrator (SA) duties for the certification authority workstation. Chapter 4 RESPONSIBILITIES 9 4.1. . Perform duties as section sergeant and team chief for the tactical DMS; perform information assurance functions for Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTS). A NCOIC is tasked with tactical and organizational assignments critical to day-to-day operations and special operations. S6 NCOIC has the authority to assume command of the department during OIC, XO absence. Perform duties shown in preceding skill level. Advise the commander on cable and wire system operations. Coordinating with OIC and NCOIC on Staff Training, Involvement and Discipline. Troubleshoots complex system faults and supervises or corrects failures to meet system availability and reliability standards. Troubleshoots complex system faults, supervise or correct s6 ncoic duties and responsibilities to meet workload.... 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