When Belle accidentally ingests the potion and her pregnancy speeds up, Emma helps her through the labor, and afterward, she and Hook witness Belle give up her son into Mother Superior's care to protect him from Mr. Gold. Walsh reveals a ring on a dessert platter, which shocks Emma, as she feels marriage is too soon for them, so he promises to wait for her. Gideon leads Emma to the Sorcerer's Mansion, where he tricks her into opening a portal to allow Hook to return through, but instead, it brings forth a giant spider, which he claims was summoned by the Black Fairy. To test out the cave's rules, Hook goes first and confirms he and Emma kissed, but the real secret is the kiss itself helped him move on from his first love, Milah. When she looks back up, a stray wolf on the road causes her to swerve the car, hit the town marker and fall unconscious. She asserts that Regina's pushiness is encouraging her to stay and ensure Henry is okay. Emma ends up pinning one boy down, but the expression in his eyes frighten her and she backs off. After they all meet up at the library, Regina reveals Cruella, Maleficent and Ursula are seeking the Author to change things so the villains win and heroes lose, and they want her to steal something for the mission. Henry insists Fiona pushed him and is trying to snuff out her belief, however, Emma ends up listening to Fiona, who laments that her son will do even more bodily harm to himself in the future if his wild imagination continues. Regina threatens to fulfill what Emma asked her to do if she ever went too far, but Emma reveals she has the dagger now. Her foster mother notices Emma's longing looks and tries to assure her that she will have a family one day as well. Emma needs to take better care of herself. On the journey to gather more poppy dust so Mary Margaret can reach the Netherworld, a raven from Cora gives them a message. ", "No nothing like that, I don't think that he'll leave me." As Emma is painting a swan, Nurse Ratched notifies her that her son has come to see her. Suspecting Regina's tear is not enough for the potion, Emma takes Violet's heart, promising to return it after the girl breaks Henry's heart. Regina tells them Tinker Bell lost all her fairy powers a long time ago and can't help infiltrate Pan's camp. Hope Swan-Jones is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. After regaining an alliance with Tinker Bell, Emma stays behind with Neal, who accepts what she said earlier and thinks of Henry as the best thing that came out of them being together, which she agrees with. Emma, discovering Elsa is gone, searches and runs into Regina, who is tracking the Snow Queen. I immediately sat her on the bed. While Regina gets Mr. Gold's help with the serum, Emma and David search for Hyde and the Queen. When the two men return, Hook informs them about a sextant on top of Dead Man's Peak, which can help decipher Neal's map, which he and David will be retrieving. Mary Margaret is very upset, despite that Emma once considered them as family, she left without a word. With one job done, Emma approaches Sidney at the diner to let him know she is aware of his backstabbing. This is part of an ongoing challenge and will be revealed soon! The giant is fearful that Emma will kill him, but she promises not to. As the Apprentice enacts the spell on the egg, he reveals infusing darkness in it puts this land at risk, so it must go to another world. She is portrayed by Jennifer Morrison as an adult, by Abby Ross as a teenager, and by Mckenna Grace as a child. Even so, Emma is upset they still made the choice and lied to her about it, although Mary Margaret insist they changed and tried to become the parents she deserves. Instead, she leaves Henry with Hook again. Before I could stand up a nurse knocked on the door and then entered. She, however, points out her savior status only exists because they made her this way at the expense of someone else's child. Neither of them expected for long-buried feelings to be unburied, either. When David actually suggests they do that, Snow drags him outside to discuss what is really bothering him. Follow/Fav Baby Fever. ("Firebird"), Sometime after Cleo's death, in 2010, Emma becomes a bails bondsperson and tracks down Cleo's daughter, Tasha, and gives her collected information about her birth mother. They decide to let Aurora go back to sleep and stand guard over her. Emma assures him that it was still worth it because, for a moment in time, he made people believe in magic. Below deck, she apologizes to him for how she behaved last time and asks him to have lunch with her. Receiving a phone call, she is told Neal is recovering in the hospital. The couple regroups with Belle at the diner, where they learn Mr. Gold did not use the spell after all. Tinker Bell acknowledges that people not believing in her anymore, so she stopped being a fairy. Dr. Whale greeted us at the entrance like he was expecting us or something. Zelena eventually reveals the nun is in the pawnshop, where Emma crushes a fairy crystal over Mother Superior's body to restart her heartbeat. Emma doesn't believe anyone is willing to go through with such a risky plan, but Archie persuades her it's the right thing to do and manages to rally everyone else in agreement. He refuses to let her go until she makes a hat "work", though Emma only makes an unfinished bowler hat. Suddenly, Archie rushes up to inform them that Dr. Whale is leading an angry mob to Regina's house. She begins apologizing for stealing, but he points out that he is actually referring to something else and then cautions her against doing things for the right reasons because bad things will happen. Mary Mary Margaret begs her not to take the same path that led to Cora's death and they can't build a future on Regina's blood. He uses this to persuade Emma that being on the streets is not the fate she wants that despite running away from her previous home, it doesn't mean she won't find a good one someday. To find more magic, the Dragon advises that they seek magic with the power of belief. Judging from the family tree, they realize Ingrid means to replace Emma and Elsa as her sisters. The Evil Queen takes Emma back to her bed chamber instead of throwing her in the dungeon. Henry states they should probably tell Regina, though Emma worries that either way they will pay the price. At the sheriff's station, Emma and Hook watch a camera recording of her and an old friend. Emma looked terrified I knew she wouldn't do this without Killian. After he is gone, she asks Henry if strangers usually come to Storybrooke. ", "Are you afraid that he won't stick around if he finds out? The next morning, Emma goes canoeing with Henry, but she returns to get life jackets from the shed and runs into Hook, who tries to distract her by flirting. She brings him to a table booth at the diner where Neal is waiting. When she suddenly feels intense chest pain, Hook tries to return the heart to her, only to be engulfed in fire. Please read the tags before reading. When Mr. Gold is close to waking from his coma, Emma kidnaps him to her house basement, where she crushes the sword over him to complete the healing spell. After a long day, they go home. From David, Emma learns the Snow Queen is living under the name Sarah Fisher, but there are no records of her, which means she did not come to Storybrooke due to a curse. ("Street Rats"), At home, Emma leaves to search for Aladdin at Jasmine's bequest and finds him attempting to flee town. "Well say hello to your little boy." Emma makes up a fake heroic story of his father dying as a firefighter while saving lives to spare him knowledge of the truth. She also finds a file, with all her old drawings and essays, that the Snow Queen apparently kept throughout the years. She attempts to run away that night, but Ingrid, foreshadowing her actions, convinces her to stay by revealing Kevin's fear of spiders and where in her desk she keeps rubber ones. When the file turns up with barely anything, Emma has a meltdown. And that I need to get down to the hospital right away. that was all she was able to do her contractions were coming much harder and faster. After dropping him off again, Emma shares with Regina the coincidence of how she and Henry met. He heeds that the map will only work when she stops denying her true self. In a world where there is only true love's magic, it holds many suprises for Emma. At the hospital, Emma rushes to Henry, who has a broken arm and is disappointed to learn from Fiona that he hasn't given up on his fairytale nonsense. August introduces himself as Pinocchio, the seven-year-old that found her when she was an infant, and to prove his point, he shows her his leg. Mr. Gold then professes to no knowledge about Elsa, Anna or that someone was in the urn. "Ok Emma, you're 9 centimeters one more and you are going to have to push." Ingrid then appears; advising Emma to accept herself since it's the only option. David admits worrying that he won't see her as often now that Hook is living with her, but she assures him this changes nothing with her family. Instead, Emma kidnaps Zelena, intending to put Hook's darkness as well as her own into the witch, and then kill her as a means to extinguish the darkness for good. In the theater, Emma steals an Apollo candy bar from another person, and as she takes a seat, an usher tells her to not do "it". Emma and Hook have had this secret romance ever since Neal died. When Gideon teleports in while holding Snow as his hostage, Emma makes him let her go before starting a duel with him. Afterward, they gain a magic bean from Rumplestiltskin to return home, but before they can jump into the portal, they dodge an arrow from none other than Robin Hood. After Emma fully transforms into the Dark One, she is wearing a hair ornament reminiscent of the wings of a swan. Henry believes what she believes, to which Emma agrees that her instincts are correct. Zelena publicly reveals herself as Regina's half-sister and forces her sibling into a showdown on Main Street after sundown. Hook refuses to accept this and asks what happened in Camelot, though Emma dances around the question, citing that it'd be no fun to give him a straight answer. She invites him in, playfully stating that they can still be together, and gives him a drink. From Hook, Emma learns he traded his ship for a magic bean in order to find her in New York. Regina softly admonished. Afterwards, Henry and his two mothers discuss deceiving the villains. Emma manages to save the Apprentice from being consumed by the darkness with her light magic. They take him to the nunnery, where Mother Superior oversees his well-being. He insists she needn't give into it and should set him free, but Emma reasons that he is the only one who can get the sword for her. She and Emma are forced into a holding pit. Until one day Henry brings Emma to Regina's house. Emma is touched by Hook's confession and shares a kiss with him, just after David has left the shed with the potions, which Hook was helping him to get without Emma's knowledge. Only Cora is left, and Emma is flung aside by her as she stalks forward to rip out Mary Margaret's heart. Seeing papers from an agency in Ingrid's bag, Emma assumes she will be sent away again, however, Ingrid happily admits she is adopting her. That night, the same man who chased them earlier arrives. Shortly after the failed experiment, all leave except Mary Margaret, who stays to help Regina clean up. At the apartment, Emma is warmed up. Maybe I don't do everything for Gabriel like I thought I would Great storytelling with horrific grammar. I heard a shout from the lobby, "Swan!" She nodded. ("Smash the Mirror"), In the clock tower, Emma and her allies witness the cloud formation of Ingrid's spell, which will take effect by sundown. Pan'. At an alleyway shortcut, she slams into the man, who is revealed to be her ex-boyfriend, Neal. This baby wants to meet you guys really badly." Emma pulled her legs up a bit more, getting ready for what was to come. Pan makes the ludicrous claim that he is Henry. Neal denies it and takes Emma to a bar where she learns that he let her go all those years ago because August told him to. Emma asks for a message to be delivered to Henry, reminding Devin that he once had a home and family but stopped believing return was possible, while promising to help him leave the island. Before leaving for Mount Olympus with Hercules, Megara asks Emma to give her regards to Hook. ("An Untold Story"), While Emma is making out with Hook at her house, the both of them notice the table shaking, prompting them to go outside, where they see a dirigible passing by. Only afterward, Emma finds out from Neal that the car isn't actually his and that, like her, he was attempting to steal it. After a chat with Marco, she gives Pongo to a delighted Henry, but Mary Margaret points out that perhaps she and David should consider finding their own place. He states she may be a serious threat if she manages to break free from the Dark Realm and come to Storybrooke. It rang, but there was no answer. Without knowing David and Mary Margaret are listening, she agrees to believe the best in him as her parents always have in other people. Persisting to have faith, Emma returns to the mines just as Elsa blasts open the cave-in. Mr. Gold believes that he deserves thanks for bringing Emma to her parents, breaking the curse and saving Henry's life, which she is doubtful he has any credit in. She witnesses Regina being thrown into the clock tower by Zelena, who later flees on her broomstick. In 2011, Emma pursues a fugitive named Ryan in Boston on her birthday. ("The Heart of the Truest Believer"), At some point after this, Emma finds Tallahassee and stays there for two years. Killian." Once they are gone, Emma pick locks their guest room while Henry keeps watch. ("The Jolly Roger"), After Zelena successfully steals Regina's heart, Emma reports for a group seance to open a portal to the land of the dead by using the now defunct candle to talk to Cora about her first-born child's origins. He started walking out and looked back at me, but I pointed at the door. I went over to her grabbed her arms and stood her up. After a time, Cora finally breaks through the barrier. ", "David, it's Ruby, Emma's in labor, and both Killian and your wife are not answering there phones.". Mr. Gold believes warning them already fulfills his debt, but Emma reminds him that Henry is his grandson. The pirate asks if she was considering marrying Walsh. They admit crossing paths with the Author in their past and he manipulated them into making the deal with the Apprentice. During the climb, Hook exhibits perceptive knowledge of Emma's status as an orphan and her wish to prevent Henry from going through the same thing. After the light is snuffed out, the two halves combine, revealing a star constellation map with an escape route. Every night when Regina falls asleep she sees a door with Emma's name on it, she opens it and sees Emma's life, from the moment she is left on the side of the road, she becomes her imaginary friend. A frustrated Regina then rips out and crushes both Snow and David's hearts to make Emma will remember her true self, to no avail. The Snow Queen steals Regina's mirror and chokes them, but Elsa arrives to blast her away. She accepts his proposal again when he asks her to marry him. Hook is eager to rid Emma of her darkness, but she assures him that she won't let it consume her in just one night. No one dares to answer in fear the phone might be traced to Storybrooke. Grabbing coffee and aspirin at the diner, she mindlessly sits at a table until she sees a familiar looking star tattoo on the waitress's wrist, making her realize she is Lily. Eventually, Emma finds the orphans' father, Michael Tillman, but he wants nothing to do with them. After Emma admits the details of her vision, she also reveals her suspicions that Regina is the hooded figure who will kill her. Emma, Regina, Hook, Snow, and Charming get trapped in a game. Emma returns home and walks in on Killian sitting by the fireplace with his dreamcatcher as the events of how Hook once killed her grandfather appear in the net. Henry tries to stop the argument, which ends with Regina teleporting out to find Mr. Gold herself since Emma doesn't want her help. After Hades removes David, Regina, Emma, Robin and Henry's names, Emma fails to split her heart with Hook because he has been dead for too long. He walked out of the room. As David reasons what they did was wrong and it was a decision made out of fear, Emma shuts down the conversation, deciding it is more important to look for the Author. I ran to answer it. It raised its hand and grasped a lock of Shen Qingqius hair in its spit-covered hand. Inside the entrance, a barrier, capable of blocking anyone with a shadow, keeps them from progressing. Before Emma leaves to find the culprit, Regina insinuates, judging from the snow monster and ice cave-in, that the savior is incapable of her job. ("True North"), The next day, Emma catches Mary Margaret in a lie when she claims to be helping her students build a volcano, but finds that she has been coming to the diner everyday at seven-fifteen in the morning to see David. Unable to shake her own suspicions, Emma goes to question Neal about Tamara. She finds it strange the mayor is getting herself involved in the case, though Regina gives a recollection of how she found John Doe on the side of the road and became his emergency contact. ("Breaking Glass"), After this, Emma is taken in by foster parents in Mankato who already have two sons. The two lure out the Dragon together, and from Henry's side, he smashes the mirror, just as the Dragon's fire breath hits the other side. Outside the bed and breakfast, Emma and Henry have a stakeout inside the yellow bug car. Will instructs them to look in the backroom for proof of his claims. However, despite that Hook taught Neal how to navigate using the stars, he also coached him that all map makers never reveal their secrets. Swan-Mills family moments. Regina nor the beans are in sight and the last time someone entered the office was by an override code. On the way down, Emma thanks Milah for her help and reveals that Neal has moved on to a better place. Although it's protected by a spell, Rumplestiltskin urges her to do away with it by using her dark magic, but Emma refuses to comply. Emma, insisting she should be nearby if something goes wrong, follows Maleficent and Regina as they head to an unknown location. ("Best Laid Plans"), Emma tracks the Author to the woods as David and Mary Margaret trail her. ("The Heart of the Truest Believer"), While the group treads through the jungle upwards to a cliff ridge, Emma awkwardly dodges Mary Margaret's attempt at getting closer to her. However, after she walks off, he pulls out the shears in his jacket. Emma, Elsa, and Anna walk through the streets to greet their loved ones. They hurry to Lake Nostos where Mary Margaret fires an arrow to shoot the compass out of Cora's reach. After picking up Regina, Emma drives them to the woods to meet up with David. Ruby complies and finds a box with a human heart in it, but decides the job is not for her and resigns. Emma opens the door to receive Hook, who has since regained his missing hand from Mr. Gold. In a numb state, she returns home and gives her parents the news Neal is dead. To rescue Neal, each of them need to reveal one of their deepest, guarded secrets. Before they rescue Robin from New York, the pair head to Massachusetts, following an address lead for Lily that is five years old. She refuses to say anything when he asks further. enchantress, clarissa. Again, she presses Mary Margaret to not get mixed up with him. In conversation, Mary Margaret remarks to Emma about how well-adjusted Henry seems to be, especially since both his mothers now have boyfriends. I gave it a couple more pushes and she was out the cry was so little I couldn't help but smile. Regina has no answers about the photo, so Emma offers to lend magic in unfreezing Marian. To this, Regina accuses Emma of assuaging her guilt over bringing back Marian. One shot of the first time Regina and Emma decided to both be little at the same time with no adult supervision. Emma admits she is still unsure if she is the person she wants to be now, but knows her belief is enough to carve out her own destiny. Hook confirms they did indeed go back to their homeland. With a hint of mirth in his voice, he assumes when Neal finds out Tamara is evil, his father and Emma will get back together. Emma talks about how eager she and Killian are to start this new adventure, while Henry assures her she will be a great mother to the baby, as she has been to him. As Emma departs from the house, she sees Henry peering at her from his bedroom window. ("Good Form"), In a magic training lesson with Regina to ignite a wood pile, Emma is told to channel her anger into magic, but she doesn't want to become dark. They embrace and depart shortly after. Mary Margaret is outraged, but Emma must adhere to her job as sheriff. They each take a sip of Hook's rum, except Regina, until it passes into Emma's hands. She calls Michael, and when he arrives, she convinces him to take the children in. Despite Hook's proclamation about winning her heart fair and square, Emma continues to focus on Henry's safety, with Hook promising that he won't hold back on chasing after her once they get off the island. When her parents continue to be optimistic, Emma snaps at them for their unwavering hope, especially when everything has been going wrong since the curse broke. In a happy reunion with David, Henry, Hook and Mary Margaret, Emma creates a fireworks display for them. Emma Swan is a fictional character in ABC's television series Once Upon a Time and the protagonist of seasons 1-6. Through one path, they narrowly avoid walking straight into a patch of Dreamshade. At the mansion, Emma makes Henry stand on guard duty, much to his displeasure. Henry correctly answers that it was at his castle playground when he understood why Emma gave him up at birth, which was to let him have the best chance in life. Emma wakes up to a dream. Hook obliges by kneeling and asking for her hand in marriage before slipping the ring on her finger, just as Emma says yes and happily hugs him. A rustle from the jungle causes the entire group to assemble for battle, but it turns out to be only Regina and Mr. Gold. Emma is reluctant to snuff out her parents' only chance to be uncursed, but Snow is confident she will find another way to help her and David. With a pat on her back, he urges his mother to go into the diner. Out the blue, Emma asks Neal would he go back to the Enchanted Forest if there was a way. He reasons that her parents made a mistake, but they kept the truth from her because they were ashamed of their past, and only ever wanted her to be proud of them. I'll call you back as soon as I can. , The only person who knew is gone and, after trying to open up to someone she thought would care, Emmas reminded of the reason its a secret in the first place. Cleo follows her in and convinces her to give up, but before the two can leave, the cops arrive. might change it. Upon learning his reasons for carving a swan, Emma realizes August was the boy from many years ago who advised her on using belief to change her own fate. Emma and Elsa try to take down Ingrid, but their magic fails. Arriving at the mayoral office, Emma discovers Marian has been afflicted with a freezing spell, but it's not Elsa's magic. Emma meets up with her family in the loft, where "Archie" follows her in and persuades her to tell them the truth. This plan is further halted when Belle discovers it's possible to make a counter spell with the necklace. A few years later, after a desperate call for help from her son Henry, Emma arrives in the New Enchanted Forest and excitedly announces to her now-adult son that she and Killian are expecting their first child together. Despite escaping the web after Gideon leaves, Emma is overpowered by the spider, who spins her into a cocoon, causing her to slowly suffocate. What if I was pregnant, what if Killian didn't want to be with me, what if Henry would be mad at me for having a baby, what would David say? Once the famished redhead has devoured all of it, Emma offers Zelena freedom and protection from Regina and the others, in exchange for helping her use the Apprentice's wand. Returning to the cave, everyone searches for something that might be useful. Zelena, formerly known as the Wicked Witch of the West, currently known as Kelly West, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. Aladdin blames himself for the fall of Agrabah, but he eventually decides to own up to his mistakes when Emma advises him to do as she did by facing those he disappointed and making up his errors. Regina thinks Tinker Bell is bad news and presents Emma with a separate suggestion of combining their powers to take on Pan. ("The Stranger"), Henry begs Emma not to depart from Storybrooke since she still needs to save everyone from the curse. The couple's fervor for each other grow in intensity, however, things cool off once Snow unknowingly walks in on them. On the stroll back to the apartment, she brings up to Neal the matter of coming back to Storybrooke with them. I just lost it. In a drunken stupor, he chases her down and explains that his relationship with Regina is purely physical with no emotional attachments. However, after the woman learns from Emma about Hyde's death, she reveals herself to be Jasmine, and that the Oracle was helping her to track down Aladdin, who is also a Savior. "Yeah, I'm fine, um Mary Margret can you give us a minute." I started to cry, I guess the hormones were kicking in. My mom told me that Killian was on his way to the hospital. Using GPS, they track Henry to a Boston bus stop, only to find he left his phone on the bus to throw them off. Cleo suggests she give up on finding her birth parents, pay for her crimes, and then start a new life. On the way there, Emma sympathizes with Hook's earlier sentiments about killing Mr. Gold as payback. She discovers that Mr. Gold has been robbed by Moe French and recovers all but one of the stolen items, which makes him very angry. The couple later returns with the baby and Belle, after Zelena relinquishes her daughter to them, fearing she can't protect her from Hades. I will not kill innocents. I ran up the stairs to see what was wrong. While Regina and Hook work on stopping Zelena from agreeing with Hades' proposal, Emma waits for David to return with baby supplies before they find Robin in the woods. We walked extremely slow, my dad held my hand over to the stairs, and Ruby walked behind me carrying my bag. So at the end of season 1, Regina makes one final attempt to get Emma Swan out of their lives, by poisoning an apple dessert with the sleeping curse and then offering it to Emma. Freezing from the cold temperatures, Emma stays awake by talking. As such, the tree will kill those who feel regret, so he brings up guilt-worthy moments from each person's past. Before he can take it to her, a bird carrying a message from Regina arrives. Snow White never thought she would get the chance to see her daughter as a small child. Hook, having already searched around, approaches. Work when she suddenly feels intense chest pain, Hook, who has since regained his missing hand Mr.. A table booth at the door to receive Hook, who later flees on her broomstick the Apprentice shortcut she... Henry seems to be engulfed in fire and explains that his relationship Regina! Henry keeps watch journey to gather more poppy dust so Mary Margaret heart... 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