Hurley is of English and Irish origin. A mermaid is a famous mythical sea creature that is half woman and half fish or sea serpent. -This is a name of Greek origin. Mermaids are therefore women of the sea.. - The name Guinevere is a girl's name of Welsh origin meaning white shadow, white wave. Guinevere is also the name of a character from. Sabrina and her mother were both drowned in the Severn river by Gwendolen, and that is how she became a nymph of the river and is also known as a goddess. After many years of service, Atargatis fell in love with a mortal shepherd boy and desired to make a union with him. Mermaids are well known for their enchanting songs. Athena is also the name of the Greek goddess of wisdom and war. The name means pearl and is of Spanish origin. The name also means of the sea and is of Latin origin. Nymphs in Greek mythology are young, female nature spirits descended As the chief goddess, she was responsible for their well-being and was often consulted for help. This is a French name that means desired. Mermaids are highly desired creatures, subject to hunts by sailors. This is relevant because merfolk are mythical creatures and could potentially live much longer than humans, or age differently. The name Diana takes its meaning from the goddess and represents beneficence and wellness. Darya/Daria- The name Darya is a girl's name of Russian origin meaning kingly or the sea. The name is most commonly used in Russia and other Slavic countries. Mermaid and the baby by John Collier. The Mermaid of the Black Conch by Monique Roffey 9780593534205, Penguin Random House , 2022. Anastasia-This is a name of Greek origin. Nereids were also known to give birth to influential children. Annette (Neptune's Daughter) Annette (Sirenetta) Annie Nonymous. - This name is mermaid related for obvious reasons. He is wise and cares about the well-being of Ariel and her family. She is most known for being interested in health and appearance. WebIn European folklore, mermaids (sometimes called sirens) and mermen were natural beings who, like fairies, had magical and prophetic powers. Ariel can be any race, because race is a social construct, and mermaids can be whatever color we please, because they dont exist. - Aditi is a Hindu goddess who represents, fertility, the earth, and the sky. She attempted to transform herself into a fish because she was so ashamed and devastated that she had killed her lover. WebMermaid Mythology as seen by John Waterhouse The evil-intentioned mermaid is not the only way these creatures were seen as dangerous. These mermaids were known as Ben-Varrey and were known to have been very generous towards humans. She is brave, suspicious, and sometimes stubborn. The name means dweller at the famous land.. Silvery blue is a common mermaid tail color in tv shows and movies. Some of them sound very magical and might be especially useful for fantasy stories. Clear could represent water, and bright could represent bright beautiful colors, or ones intelligence. WebAndrew Shelford. Additionally, mermaids were often thought to be violent and mischievous creatures that would provoke trouble if given the opportunity. One Nereid named Thetis had a child by Zeus who grew up to be Achilles. Here is an overview of the half animal half fish creatures: Creatures with a fish tail from Greek mythology. Mermaiding is a popular activity that has been embraced by men, along with women. They offered to baptize her so that she would have an immortal soul and would be able to enter heaven. - This name is German, Italian, English, and Ancient Greek in origin. - Mrmaids in stories have frequently rescued people from drowning, like in Little Mermaid. Maybe they use the name of a beloved family member, or a word of significance, or a name honoring their heritage. The word sirenity means peaceful, quiet, and calm, which is what the name means. Gemma- When thinking about mermaid costumes and accessories, gems are widely used. Also included on this list are names that mean mermaid, such as Naida, Nixie, Morvoren, and Nerissa. A variation is the name Elliana, which has the same meaning. Nereids are embodiments of the oceans beauty and were supposed to be the most beautiful and mystifying of sea nymphs. Madison- Madison is a clueless, curious, and comedic mermaid in the 1984 movie Splash, featuring Daryl Hannah and Tom Hanks. There are many goddesses that present as mermaids. Its hard to pinpoint exactly what it is that makes a name sound beautiful. WebMaterial:resin Appearance:Mermaid Size:width 5.5inch, height 5.5inch; 1inch2.54cm Color Classification: Bronze/white Process:handmade Applicable space:study room, living room, bedroom, etc. Centaur. It is a traditionally masculine Irish name meaning fair or white.. It has French and English origins. Ariel is a name of Hebrew origin that means lion of god.. It means resurrection. Variations include, Briella is an Italian name meaning God is my strength. A variation of the name is, Cassandra means to excel, to shine. It is also the name of a Trojan princess from Greek mythology. Being free of her underwater chamber, Li Ban roamed the seas near Ireland for about 300 years. It is of Latin origin, and its meaning is simply gemstone. A similar name is, - There are a few reasons this is a good mermaid name. There are plenty of stories in mermaid lore where mermaids do not seduce and kill humans. If were going to go by the source material, the representation in ancient mythology fully supports fluidity between retellings. There was also another form of siren that was maiden from the waist up and fish tailed from the waist down. - Ive always loved this name, which is generally a male name, but would work just as well for a female. She is more interested in romance than most of her sisters. Along with Ariel and Madison, other popular mermaid names in the US Top 1000 include Alana, June, Lily, Lorelei, Marina, Melody, Miranda, and Sabrina. Mermaids in stories are often described to have long, luscious locks that flow down their chest. A variation is. She is the beautiful wife of King Arthur. as a sea nymph who captured Odysseus and lived on a mythical island, where she held him captive after falling in love with him. It has French and English origins. In Syrian and Maltese, Mara means woman, in Gaelic sea, in Nigeria (Igbo) beautiful, -Maya is an abbreviation of Yemaya, also known as Yemoja, who is an African sea goddess. There are copious tales of gods, goddesses and other ethereal characters that dwell in the sea. If a human was to engage in these relationships however, it was necessary to hide the merrows cohuleen druith. Italy is the region of origin of the name Luna, which is a variation of Deluna. and the title of a popular song by the Lumineers. Gemstones and little sparkly face gems are incorporated into mermaid fashion. There was so much water that erupted from the underwater spring that the land where Li Ban and her family had lived was transformed into what is now Lough Neagh. These maidens are known to have caused much mischief and destruction at the expense of humans. Haven means safety, so depending on whether or not you think of yourself as a benevolent mermaid this name could be right for you. Another type of mermaid is known to be native to Ireland and is often thought to be given powers to dive deep beneath the waves of the ocean because of a special cap that they were known to possess. - The female version of the name Charles. . Alana is the second born daughter of King Triton. She is based on a slate rock on the bank of the river Rhine called The Lorelei. It means star. A wonderful name for the daughter of mermaid, especially one with a large following. She has a beautiful singing voice. - Lillith is a figure in Jewish mythology, known as the first wife of Adam. It was also the name of a nereid and the daughter of the river god Erasmus. Andrew's Mother. She spent this time exploring and was often known to sing in an angelic voice. Sirens were often portrayed as beautiful women from the waist up with wings and a birds body for their bottom half. Tales of the sea people from One Thousand and One Nights include Djulllanar the Sea Girl, Abdullah the Fisherman and Abdullah the Merman, and The Adventures of Bulukiya.. She also engages in a romantic relationship with a merman named Erik. There is also the possibility that the mermaid myths are simply a way for the human mind to make the sea feel more approachable and less threatening. There is also a paint color named high sierra, a light blue. Gemstones and little sparkly face gems are incorporated into mermaid fashion. Mermaids were known to reward humans who helped them in times of need or were generous towards them. Goddesses that were tied to her story over time include Aphrodite, Cybele, and Rhea. Ondina- Ondina was sent by the Mermaid Council to strip Zac of his merman powers, and she was originally bitter against humans, but she softens. Morgan is a Welsh name meaning sea protector. Merfolk are known as protectors of the sea, so it makes a great merman name. , about a man whose self portrait ages, while he stays young forever. Aurora- Aurora was the ancient Roman goddess of the dawn. Here you find mermaid last names that have a beautiful sound or meaning to it. - Mermaids are known to sing hauntingly beautiful songs, and an aria is a word prevalent in music. Anemone. The name means harvest in Latin. The name Priscila means ancient, which is fitting for mermaids because they date far back to ancient times. They would sing beautiful songs and lure ships towards dangerous rocks with their beauty and mysticism. She is the most light-hearted of the mermaid friends. Because of this, it is difficult to determine what their intentions are without interaction. Italy is the region of origin of the name Luna, which is a variation of. Haven means safety, so depending on whether or not you think of yourself as a benevolent mermaid this name could be right for you. - The name Ginevra is a girl's name of disputed origin. Eloise- This name is French in origin and its meaning is famous warrior., Esperanza- Esperanza is the Spanish word for hope. It is a Spanish name meaning hope or expectation., Essence- Words related to essence are soul, spirit, and lifeblood, It is considered to be the quintessential nature of someone or something. In an 18th century play, there was a dancing mermaid by the name or Coralia. Its an English name meaning stream of water flowing to the ocean.. This particular name also includes another body of water reference. Though there seem to be many overlapping similarities in mermaid stories worldwide, there are noticeable differences that come from varying cultures. Douglas- This name has Gaelic origin, and its meaning is dark waters. Perfect for a villainous merman! Jordana- This name relates to mermaids for several reaons. The Nereids were friendly for the most part and were known to help sailors in times of need. The origin of this name is Latin. She has a beautiful singing voice. This particular name also includes another body of water reference. These women are often known to be both mysterious and enchanting. She develops romantic feelings for a merman named Zac. As the story goes, she was eventually commanded by Zeus to release him. Marlin is also a clownfish, and the father of Nemo in Finding Nemo. Rita- Rita is the principal of the school that Mimmie, Sirena, and Lyla initially attend. - Also has the sound of sea in it. They are known for enchanting human sailors with their charming, graceful ways, and their unearthly beauty. In stories and for costumes mermaids don pearl accessories. One version is that some time ago, during a violent blizzard, a handsome young stranger enters a family igloo wearing a necklace with two large canine teeth. The sight of a mermaid on a voyage was a sign of bad luck. There is also a paint color named high sierra, a light blue. She could easily grow up to be a star herself! Her name is the Spanish word for mermaid., Lyla is a spunky mermaid who will become determined when she sets her mind on something. Nerissa- Nerissa is a girl's name of Greek origin meaning from the sea. This is also the name of a sea nymph from Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice. The merrow were thought to be friendly towards the human beings and were known to sometimes form attachments with a human man. In French, the name means dolphin making it a wonderful mermaid name since dolphins are another sea creature, and the swim stroke used in mermaid swimming is the dolphin kick. She is the most light-hearted of the mermaid friends. You may have heard the phrase babbling brook. They are known to be serene and quiet, with soft running water sounds and croaks of frogs. The name comes from the city of Alexandria in Egypt. The word marine, included in this name, refers to anything that is of the sea. Mermaids and fish have fins. Unlike Ariel, she wanted to become a mermaid. The name itself means small stream. A variation of the name is. The name means dweller at the famous land., Marvin- This name comes from the Welsh name Mervyn. WebIn Greek mythology, the Nereids or Nereides (/ n r i d z / NEER-ee-idz; Ancient Greek: , romanized: Nrdes; sg. This set of books features twelve books that center on Black mermaids and African mythology. Failing to do so properly would result in the maiden finding the cap years later and being driven by her desire to return to her home in the sea. It may have been taken from the Greek word nereis, meaning sea sprite or nymph., Odette- Odette is the name of the princess turned Swan Queen from the ballet Swan Lake. She feels a responsibility over her sisters, who sometimes see her as bossy. Sea people were also known to have relationships with humans and sometimes have families together. She forgave him for a time, but when he called her a serpent during a fight she disappeared, never to be seen again. The name Essence means aura., This name comes from the Spanish word felicitas, which means luck and good fortune. Felicitatious is the French word for congratulations. Overall, the name generally means happy.. 2.Alana, Alana is another Little Mermaid name, as another sister of Ariel. She develops romantic feelings for a merman named Zac. Pros of mermaiding:It is good exercise especially for your core muscles.It is a fun activityIt helps with mental health, with the calm and quietness underwaterIt gives you confidence, you because a center of attention and feel pretty being a magical creatureIt is a sportYou can compete as a mermaidYou can attend fun eventsMore items In movies, shows, books, and stories, mermaids are often searched for to bring truth to legend. GR en Espaol. - This one is very straightforward. When someone has to choose a name for their child, there is much consideration that goes into it. She chose the name Stella for her baby girl. Mentions of mermaids, on the other hand, date way back to the Assyrians, according to author Skye Alexander.However, the so-called "nereids" of Greek mythology, described by the Theoi Project as the sea-nymph daughters of the Aegean Sea, could have also helped inspire some of the later mermaid myths known today. Bluespark Waterglow Crystalice Oceanglow Highseas Calmsea Tasselweed Kelpia (from the algae kelp) Kelpforest Marinecastle Sea-born Oceanlight Brighttail Sparkletail She is also known as Artemis in Greek mythology. While other cultures seem to have had fairly mixed experiences with mermaids and their male counterparts, British mythology concerning these beings tells that the arrival of these merpeople is always disastrous for humans. A mermaids personality is most closely compared to the sea itself she has the ability to be both gentle and harsh. In movies, shows, books, and stories, mermaids are often searched for to bring truth to legend. As a name Gemma sounds beautiful and befitting of a mermaid. The name may be better suited as a character name for a mermaid performer, especially if youre aiming for a darker, siren-like mersona. She is based on a slate rock on the bank of the river Rhine called The Lorelei. Lillith- Lillith is a figure in Jewish mythology, known as the first wife of Adam. Her name is also the Gaelic word for beauty., Adella is the third daughter of King Triton. Marlin is overcautious with his son because he is afraid of losing him. Anaella/Anaelle- Anaella is a form of Anna from the Breton language that means favour, grace. Ive always considered mermaids to be graceful creatures, at least thats how I feel when I swim as a mermaid. She is known for lacking decorum and not wanting to share. Li Ban and her lap dog lived in an underwater chamber for one year after the great flood. Marley- A unisex name of English origin meaning pleasant seaside meadow. Reggae fans might consider this name, since it is the name of famous musician Bob Marley. Caspian as a name is of English origin and means from Qazvin, Iran, -The name Cyrus is a name of Persian origin, meaning sun. More of its meanings include young, near sighted, and lord.. Her name has Arabic origin and means night.. Atargatis was known to be closely connected to the sky and the sea her sacred animals were doves and fish. She is depicted as a mermaid and is said to sing songs and seduce fishermen. Tiberius- The origin of this name is Latin. Mami Wata means Mother Water. The name means dark red. Its[OG1] a good mermaid name for someone with a fiery colored tail. There is much speculation into the origin of the mermaid myths, though most of these theories are based on symbolism or the misinterpretation of a medical disorder. It is of Latin origin, and its meaning is simply gemstone. A similar name is Gemini. Its meaning is treasurer. Jasper is also a type of gemstone of a reddish-brown color. Anemone (Runescape) Category:Animated Merpeople. In Hindu mythology the name Maya means illusion.. They loved music and often sang. She most certainly will be as radiant as a star, inside and out! The name Dana has multiple meanings. She is from Homers epic poem. He later proves to be a brave and dedicated father when it came to finding Nemo. - A sapphire is a precious gemstone that comes in shades of blue. However, she was also known to have been deeply connected to the people of Assyria. Nixie is the main character of the first season. Lillith refused to be subservient to Adam and decided to leave the garden of Eden. Sebastian- Sebastian is the name of the advisor crab from the Little Mermaid, who follows Ariel around on her adventures in the human world. A good mermaid names doesnt have to sound ocean-y or be based on mythology. Coral are marine invertebrates. The name Viviane means lively It is likely based on the French word vivre, meaning to live or life., - This name means defender of mankind or defender of men, . While youll hear many stories about mermaids drowning men, there are also ones about mermaids rescuing them, just like Ariel did to Eric in, . Imogen- It is believed that this name comes from a Shakespeare play as a misspelling of the name Innogen, a Celtic name which means maiden, daughter. Mermaids are maidens of the sea, who are also considered daughters of the sea, and daughters of King Triton. Neptune is the god of freshwater, also identified as Poseidon. The name Maren is a variation that means sea.. Marlin is also a clownfish, and the father of Nemo in Finding Nemo. - This is a good ocean name since it has shell in it, as in seashell. Ved-Ava is common in Finno-Urgic stories. There is also the theory that life on Earth originated in the sea and everything evolved from there. . To date, there are only 4 known patients who survived past this time frame. I also like to think mermaids have different life spans than humans and can live for hundreds of years. The classic tales, The One Thousand and One Nights also has legends of sea people. Unlike traditional mermaid stories, however, these sea people looked almost identical to humans. These are names whose meanings and translations are based on words pertaining to the sea, to water, to nature, and to traits that describe mermaids. Trixie- This name means voyager, traveler, blessed, and happy Mermaids often voyage across the sea and travel to far away places. Cleo/Cleodora- Cleodora is a goddess in Greek mythology. The name means venerable or majestic., - The Caspian Sea is the largest inland body of water in the world. Andrina is a Greek mermaid name that roughly translates to manly or virile. They are also known to lounge on island beaches. The name means son of Mathew., Ariel- Ariel is the star of The Little Mermaid, as the youngest daughter of King Triton. A shimmering blue sapphire resembles a mermaid tail of a blueish hue. In French, the name means dolphin making it a wonderful mermaid name since dolphins are another sea creature, and the swim stroke used in mermaid swimming is the dolphin kick. Fay- Fay, or fae, refers to fairies, which are beautiful mythical creatures like mermaids. Female merfolk If she received an answer that she didnt like, however, she would cause the waters around her to be stirred into a terrible turmoil and doom the ship. [1] The Sirena is an Engkanto ' the Filipino counterpart of English mermaids. Melusine is the story of the daughter of a fey and a King of Scotland. Thus, Atargatis became the first mermaid. In stories, mermaids are known to come near human boats and watch from afar. Adella is and Old German name meaning noble., She is the fourth daughter of King Triton. It means friend from the sea or handsome friend. It is a highly suitable merman name, given merfolk are said to be beautiful, and they obviously come from the sea, making them friends of the sea. - This name has siren in it, which is another word for mermaid. Although there were many different interpretations of the mermaid myths, one of the most constant factors is simply the duality of the nature of the mermaid and the situations that these creatures tend to appear in. She is most known for being interested in health and appearance. The name Viviane means lively It is likely based on the French word vivre, meaning to live or life.. When Melusine turned 15, she asked why they had not been raised with their father and was told about his transgression. Similar names include Cora and Coraline. Some legends speak of mermaids who have saved sailors and their ships during storms or have helped humans cure illnesses that earlier civilizations had no knowledge of. This article was inspired by Mermaid Marielle, who just gave birth to her first child, a daughter. Ondina was sent by the Mermaid Council to strip Zac of his merman powers, and she was originally bitter against humans, but she softens. The name means dark red. Its. She is known for lacking decorum and not wanting to share. Legends claim that the beauty of a mermaid is so great that it could For example, Neptune is the god of the sea, and is the name of a planet. It is a shortened version of the name. Celeste also means heavenly, which brings up visions of beautiful angels floating in the sky, similar to the peaceful ocean with angelic sirens swimming around and enchanting humans. Eventually Melusine found a love of her own and agreed to marry him if he promised not to look upon her on Saturdays. Its an English name meaning stream of water flowing to the ocean.. - A brook is a small stream. Nathaniel- Nethaniel is a name of Greek origin meaning gift of god.. Sapphire- A sapphire is a precious gemstone that comes in shades of blue. - This name means to esteem, thus signifying esteemed Esme is also used as a short form for the Spanish feminine name. Merfolk are similar to dragons in the way that they both have long, scaly tails. The fantastical beast with the upper body of a horse and a human head and chest of a man is often depicted as the antagonist in Greek mythology. Lakshmi Hindu goddess of abundance, beauty, and prosperity Levana Roman goddess of the moon Lilinoe Hawaiian goddess of haze Lissa African supreme mother goddess Luna Roman goddess of the moon Livia- A girl's name of Spanish and Latin origin meaning blue, envious. It sounds like live, and I associate the ocean with life. Delphine- This name has multiple meanings. , meaning 'emerald'. Ula- The name Ula is a girl's name of Celtic origin meaning gem of the sea. Funny enough, it is an abbreviation of the name Ursula, as in the sea witch from The Little Mermaid. It is an American name meaning beautiful lake.. Many books tell stories of mermaids, but this section is focusing on mermaid names from the movies, Madison is a clueless, curious, and comedic mermaid in the 1984 movie, , featuring Daryl Hannah and Tom Hanks. Attina is the sister of Ariel, and the firstborn of King Triton. Her name was Atargatis, and she was known to be the fertility goddess and the chief goddess of Northern Assyria. Oceanne- This one is very straightforward. Mermaids in stories are often described to have long, luscious locks that flow down their chest. Silvery blue is a common mermaid tail color in tv shows and movies. Here are some intense-sounding names suitable for mermen. He is said to have been placed among the stars by Zeus, where he is now a constellation in the sky. She was cursed to change into a fish with two tails (or in other versions a serpent) from the waist down on Saturdays. Orion is one of the brightest constellations in the sky, visible all throughout the world. The word marine, included in this name, refers to anything that is of the sea. Sierra- Though spelled differently, it has sea in it. First, and most obvious, a harbor is the part of a body of water that is shallow enough to dock boats. In stories, sirens are often guardians of islands. The name is the female form of Andrew, which means manly and strong. Some similar names are Adaline, Adalyn, and Adele. Sabrina- In British folklore Sabrina is a nymph of the river of Severn. Interestingly enough, Alexander the Greats sister Thessalonike was thought to have lived on as a mermaid after her death. Additionally, many mermaids had a connection to the creatures of the sea as evidenced by their fish or serpent-like tails. The coastlines of the Caspian Sea are shared by shared by Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Turkmenistan. The names of the Sirens varied as well from myth to myth. Drake is the term used for male ducks. It has been speculated that mermaids may not understand that humans cant breathe underwater, or simply forget in their excitement to take them to their realm. A centuries-old mummified "mermaid" that scientists recently revealed to be a gruesome doll of animal parts is even weirder than previously thought, new findings show. Undine- The name Undine is a girl's name of Latin origin meaning little wave. A variation of it is Ondine, which is the name of a water nymph who falls in love with a man, in European tradition. She turns out to be a mermaid as well and she takes them in and becomes their mentor. They accomplished this by shedding a seal skin when they desired to be on land and hiding it. The meaning of cleo is glory, and dora means gift., - Dana, also known as Danu, or Anu, was a figure in Irish mythology. The name comes from the Sanskrit word for boundless. Some of its other meanings are entire, freedom, and security.. Some of these tails were supposedly stolen by humans who wished to marry these maidens. This theory is supported by the fact that mermaids have been known to allow men into their underwater kingdoms and shower them with lavish gifts while they remain in these realms. , who is an ocean nymph from Greek mythology. The moon relates to the sea because it is responsible for the oceans tides. Aditi- Aditi is a Hindu goddess who represents fertility, the earth, and the sky. In folklore, mermaids were often associated with misfortune and death, luring errant sailors off course and even onto rocky shoals, according to the Ohio State The name comes from the French word jolie, which means pretty., - This name relates to mermaids for several reaons. A variation or nickname is Lottie. Caspian as a name is of English origin and means from Qazvin, Iran, Cyrus-The name Cyrus is a name of Persian origin, meaning sun. More of its meanings include young, near sighted, and lord..