Does Cosmic Background radiation transmit heat? $('#SelectBoxId option:selected').text(); for getting the text as listed, $('#SelectBoxId').val(); for getting the selected index value. Thanks for example given! This site makes use of Cookies. The onchange event is one of the events in JavaScript which is used for making the change in the state and transforming the value once the event is triggered. Not the answer you're looking for? change. I have tried to explain with my own sample, but I hope it will help you. The HTML Select DropDownList has been assigned a jQuery OnChange event handler. Parent based Selectable Entries Condition. Get the Value/Text of Select or Dropdown on Change using JS, // get selected VALUE even outside event handler, // get selected TEXT in or outside event handler, Every time the value of the select changes, the, When setting the value of a select element, make sure to set it to one of the values of the, // [option, option, option, option]. Using focus isn't a valid solution. This worked for me only slight correction is on the dropdownId selector its on instead of one, thanks, Change event can occur without user interaction, so this is not a brainer. Calling javascript functions from drop down, how to get the value of select element via inline javascript, How to pass Value from a , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,