hbbd```b``"'H`,~ L~a`v2 &@${XWb>`Y50 "7`H2%*y46$2 endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 775 0 obj <>stream The dorms are seperated by gender, and members of the opposite sex are not allowed in the dorms. Bob Jones University is a private religious university located in Greenville, South Carolina. I could go on and about more experiences like this during my 2 and a half years at this horrible place. Youll find a supervisor and mentors in each residence hall, as well as students who serve as resident assistants. I am not a follower of Christianity nor do I have a problem with that, but these establishments are making the entire religion look crazed and judgmental Just sayin. Will students at uber-Chritstian universities have this? Bob Jones Academy. 720 0 obj <> endobj 744 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<7F19E08935E242DD996137A75EF34ADE>]/Index[720 56]/Info 719 0 R/Length 110/Prev 617658/Root 721 0 R/Size 776/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Good job elarning to sneak though. Ive also chosen to go back this Fall because it follows the Bible and the rules discourage wrong things so it is Much easier to make right decisions! Dyed hair and faddish or extreme styles are out, as are any piercings beyond the ears or a nose stud presumably allowed for cultural reasons. Bob Jones has rules limiting how students can socialize, too: "Students may be together in any well-lit outside location from dawn until 10 minutes before curfew Couples are not to socialize . Students hoping to visit any friends of the opposite sex must receive permission from their families and keep it on file with the school as well. Its obviously not an awesome college to go to if you dont want rules, but its not NEARLY as strict as 90 percent of the christian colleges out there. Where did you get your information? you know, just as there are Christians who behave badly, there are secular women who have higher standards. Public displays of affection beyond handholding are highly discouraged, as is fraternizing with those of the opposite sex on co-ed camping trips. Author Kevin Roose, who went undercover as a student at Liberty, recalled that one night, several men were watching 300, which is rated R, and they were caught, fined a combined $350, and the movie was confiscated. For one year, I attended a college that was, easily, as strict as any of the above. If you honestly think that the way these colleges are conducting themselves and imposing religion upon students is a good thing, well then I dont know. I went to BJ because I wanted to. From Associated Press. Welcome to America, what a statement! Jerry, Im sorry you and your wife had problems at Asbury. But do you know which degree is still highly valuable? March 4, 2000 12 AM PT. It is NOT frowned upon if you do not attend other Christian things like church simply suggested. As part of this I had to see the Dean of Men and he told me of a couple who rubbed against each other until bad things happened apparently he was expecting me to admit the same (4) One time in a private setting in a social area for couples to spend time she sat on my lap we were told by a person representing the college this was inappropriate behavior; (5) chapel attendance was required and attendance taken and I believe 2 misses meant disciplinary action (6) guys and girls were not allowed to swim together although I believe this has changed (7) Very little help was provided if you needed help in academics, although one of the college missions is to provide help to those in KY who had inferior high school experiences (6) It was extremely rule oriented it was about following the rules and not about development and transformation as a responsible ethical who loved God and Christ. If Jesus were alive, why wouldnt he want people to volunteer in nursing homes? Live with parents or other close relatives. You should research before you post something. . Look it up. Most of my serious infractions involved demerits for not emptying the trash, not having two feet on the floor at morning light bell, hair touching my eyebrows and humming along to my roommate playing Dust in the Wind on his guitar. God didnt make us to reject each other. Liberty also restricts hugging for three seconds, doesnt allow dancing and prohibits students from participating in any unauthorized protest. It is not unreasonable for them to expect the students attending a Christian college to live up to the standards lai out for them. As for chapel, yeah, its mandatory. Students are also not allowed to listen to music like pop, rap or rock, and they arent allowed to bring headphones to campus. Im thinking that the author of this either made up some bs to get people riled, or got his hands on a 40yr-old student manual. The code also doesnt allow women to wear skirts that hit above the knee, strapless or sleeveless tops, and it forbids hairstyles extreme in styles or colors.. A former Bob Jones University student who was allegedly expelled after she reported she was sexually assaulted by a Furman University football player is suing to . Major infractions largely accepted by mainstream society and allowed under American law include dating violation[s], owning potentially offensive media (which will get confiscated), swimming with the opposite sex, patronizing a movie theatre, attending a concert, receiving a tattoo or piercing, gambling, possessing pornography, or purchasing and using tobacco (even when of age). Read the Amazing, Fantastical, Autocratic. Incoming freshmen in 2022 can expect to spend around $14,437 for housing and dining expenses according to today's trends. In addition, an off-campus job must be approved by the university. They also require the students to dress up for all morning classes, no matter what the class was too. Society may indeed be corrupt, but Christianity is no better. Each year BJU invites [] Read more. They also will not do anything to you for supporting it as they follow Christs example in loving everyone and not judging others for their beliefs. Some rules are ridiculous. Sure, we get frustrated with the rules, but the vast majority of the time, we are too busy to really notice or care. [emailprotected]. Even if this situation only befalls a small proportion of the students who attend, it is bad enough that it is a significant threat. Choose this day whom you will serve, and if you will serve the Lord, beware, lest you make the grace of our God into Lasciviousness. I read the qualifications for these schools and got to thinking about it seriously. Students are allowed in each others hall lobbies at any time during the week until midnight, and students of the opposite sex are allowed in each others rooms on Fridays, again until midnight. But that Bob Jones University commissioned and, albeit with some serious reluctance, allowed the publication of this damning report is a major new contribution to the current debate on campus rape. People have parties all the time. I know that not all Christian colleges and universities are this strict and can be good. And depending on the season, you can enjoy a Bruins basketball game or society game while you eat. -Tobacco, its a smoke free campus, just like NKU is now. 1. Woe be unto a civilization who rejects the counsel of the Holy One, and would none of his reproof! Smoking is legal, but people die from it. They have every right to set the standards they want to set. If your radar is accurate, it will not take you long to bag a highly-repressed freak. If you make it conform to Biblical principles, it will be considered politically incorrect, and will be shut down as soon as possible. Leave your intelligent feedback down below or consider following CollegeTimes on Facebook or Twitter to stay updated or to get in touch! I am a Christian, and I would never dream of doing something like that to someone. Fundamentalism & Evangelicalism. -Supporting or practicing religious beliefs in line with occult (This is not entirely true. I see nothing wrong with any of those guidelines. Her brothers asked her how she could live with all the rules. If a student applies and is admitted to one of the educational institutions it is safe to assume that theyve read and have agreed to the guidelines. let me spell it out for you PROSELYTISM. I wouldnt go to any of these colleges, but youre giving them more crap than you should. I chose to attend Pensacola Christian College, nobody forced me. Asbury College/University. I agree that dancing and such is probably a step to far, but the types of people who go to Christian colleges and the like are probably not as bothered by the restrictions you name. I Attended LMU in Los Angeles we do to have strict rules about clothes we can wear pants So nyah nyah yah. Despite that, the entire student body and admin of Bob Jones is very pro-trump and if . Yet, a fraction of that die from guns. (see Joshua 24:15, Jude 1:4, Romans 16:17). I look at this as just another way [BJU] is preparing us for our future, Davis said. I dont know what they are trying to prove by stating the fact that The Passion was rated R for violence in their description. their own standards, and this writer makes fun of them as hopelessly pathetic. Stephen Jones (above) is the president of Bob Jones University, in Greenville, South Carolina. I have visited Pensacola Christian College many times and am planning to go there this fall. I had said I love you. and we hung up the phone. As one of the underground liberal minority at the college, I disagreed with almost all the guidelines. If a disciple of Christ becomes odious to others because of the radical measures that Christ calls us to, he will have followed the footsteps of his master; indeed, what else could be expected of him? Folk dancing? 44735 reads. No more needs to be said. The decision to use alcohol and tobacco kills nearly 500,000 Americans a year, the porn industry destroys millions, and how many die from abortion. Tons of guys here have Call of Duty and Halo, Skyrim and Gears of War, heck, many have Mortal Kombat and Devil May Cry. By banning both entirely harmless things (eg violent movies) and more harmful things (eg smoking, alcohol without moderation) with the same strictness, these schools create an awful situation where students who have the intelligence and insight necessary to see that the ban on the harmless items is a load of rubbish may likewise think that the harmful things will be OK, too. Its part of the colleges curriculum, just like a class, due to the college aiming for both academic AND spiritual growth. Students may bring refrigerators and thermoelectric coolers up to 1.7 cubic feet. Estimated Total of $69,282 in Living Costs Over 4 Years. The school was thrust into the spotlight again last month . God created the creativity within human beings. I attended Pensacola Christian College in the early 1980s. For instance: (1) in your room and dont come back out after 10:30pm; (2) she was 20 and we both had to get permission for her to visit my family 35 miles away, permission from her mother and from my grandmother to go to Grandmas house; (3) we had our social privileges removed for 2 weeks because she rubbed my shoulder while I was laying on the school grounds as she was sitting on the ground next to me. Probably not. This rule is just so that, again, we dont have students doing the dirty on campus. Tap. They love to give demerits there and everyone is encouraged to be a snitch. Perhaps they are harmless. You heard about how bad these schools are from people who got kicked out? No video games may possess an M rating, nor are students allowed to own movies above the PG-13 rating. In addition, the dorms are updated and repaired as needed. No one is going to forbid interracial or homosexual relationships, no one is going to forbid occult religions, no one is going to forbid fornication, and you wont be able to handle that. Who is she to judge!? Faith College Largo Florida. Sexual abuse and incest are very understandably considered a violation due to their illegality and penchant for psychological damage, but legal activities like abortion, premarital and extramarital sex (even within the confines of an open marriage), and homosexuality are held up as just as appalling. Being used to overbearing, micro-managing or fear-based parenting, it is difficult for many kids to realize at that young age that they are actually capable of making their own decisions! I was more conservative than my evangelical church. Alcohol is held up as equally detrimental as illegal substances regardless of whether or not a student partakes responsibly and remains at or above the drinking age and the University does not discriminate on whether or not consumption or possession takes place on- or off-campus, either. I totally agree. The official Honor Code of BYU strictly outlaws camping trips with members of the opposite sex, though instances with separate accommodations for males and females will at least receive a modicum of consideration and reduced discipline if unauthorized. Many who attend the strictest places were either home-schooled or went to hard-line fundy christian schools and churches their whole life. I walked away 15 years ago and still have not come back but there were many factors involved. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Jim Wed, 09/06/17 8:30 pm. Probably just pray around the clock and go to church (:::sarcasm face::: so fun!!! All students are also required to adhere to a stringent dress code lest they find themselves facing a few more fines along the way. There is a fence with razor wire enclosing the entire campus. My daughter graduated from Asbury this year. No, they do not allow engaging in it, and I honestly think thats not something good. Here at BJU, living and learning with other believers results in a one-of-a-kind community. An aquiantance who attended Bob Jones U told me that she was forced to accept an offer to go on a date with a guy she wasnt interested in because by not doing so she might miss the opportunity to meet the future mate God intended for her. Each floor has 2 community bathrooms, and residence rooms typically have 3 students. Um, we dance at ORU. View and compare off-campus Apartments near Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC with ForRent University. But once again, if you believe in supporting them or neutral, they wont do anything to you or criticize you. Well, I ain't complaini' about it! How could she possibly have had the time to worry about not being able to see a R rated movie or go clubbing. Grab & Go @ The Growl. God forbid someone busts into a Riverdance in the middle of the student union. If the truth is found in the Bible, abide in it, and depart not from it. There are as many answers as there are people to consider the questions, because the world exists in shades of grey. These are CHRISTIAN colleges: did you expect them to accept homosexuality, occultism, and premarital sex? Raffles are not even allowed as fundraiser due to their association with gambling, which is also banned. You were assaulted and hurt by what that person did to you, and, rightfully, you should be, but I doubt someone like that could be a true Christian, and if they were, they were not in Gods will. Bob Jones University has a total undergraduate enrollment of 2,705 (fall 2021), with a gender distribution of 45% male students and 55% female students. 1. What do you think they do? Bob Jones University requires all students to live on campus unless they are. If they have agreed to attend the college, then they have agreed to live by the rules laid out by the college for the duration of their time there. They are christain schools and everybody there must not only act like one but be one. IT IS WRONG. Alcohol and tobacco are forbidden even for those of age for purchase and consumption, and media intake is restricted to whatever the faculty and staff deems inoffensive. Jr., and his wife are all buried on an island in the middle of the fountain in the middle of campus. If you tell them honestly what excessive use of alcohol does to people, they wont *want* to get wasted. I went to ORU and two of my children as well. Nobody is perfect, no matter what school. For the past five years, Bob Jones University meal plans and housing costs have changed 7.2% each year on average, compared to a nationwide average change of 2.4%. No one is forcing anyone to attend those colleges/universities. 3:21-26; Titus 3:5) and apart from any human work of . Dress code, music standards, bed time, dating are all strictly inforced catagories of rules. But people can dance randomly if they want at any time of course as long as youre not grinding your boyfriend or getting down low, youre good. The veritably Orwellian Florida Christian College combs through its students media collections, banning any books, movies, music, magazines, or video games it deems detrimental to Christianity. Some of the dating offenses include displays of affection beyond hand-holding both on- and off-campus, seeing one another in swimming or sunbathing attire, not exiting a car at the same time immediately upon turning off the engine, being caught alone together while at school, and going on single dates while a freshman. Movies again, the handbook gave the wrong message. Youll also find desks for your computer and shelves for textbooks. If anything, its pushing them further away because they feel even more separated from God. I believe the answer lies with how students (like me) were raised. follow you to church? November 11, 2013 by John Shore. when they prohibit homosexuality while prohibiting interaction with the opposite sex. Students and faculty will enjoy a break from classes to hear encouraging preaching during Bob Jones University's annual Bible Conference Feb. 14-17. (We had not had sex for those who was wondering) I was on the phone with him in my dorm room and my RA overheard our conversation. Good for them, I applaud them. Hair is to be neat and professional (not tangled or spiked); fauxhawks are not appropriate. As for dancing it is entirely allowed. Whenever I walked over the bridge, I had an urge to sing the hymn There Is A Fountain Filled With Blood, but I'd sing There Is a Fountain Filled With Bobs. Jesus drank wine. Nor have I lied to him about my history; including the fact that Im a divorcee from an arranged marriage at barely 16 to a man Id met twice, arranged to keep me out of trouble. Some people feel safer if there isnt a lot of drinking and other rowdiness going on. I think that the questions that we really need to ask are (a) whether students are better off if they attend these schools, and (b) whether we ought to encourage students to attend these schools. Now on to the next part. I was just perusing Bob Jones University faculty listing for their Seminary, do you notice anything conspicuous about all of the faculty members (save one)? Still having nightmares. Ever since BJU publicity stated that Catholicism is a 'satanic counterfeit,' candidates are less eager to make a stop at BJU. How about youth? The men and women have their own elevators, must not be together in isolated areas, cannot swim together, even at the beach. And this is coming from someone who was offered a full scholarship to Liberty U and refused (stricter than this article implies-Biology majors beware, as evolution isnt even a theory to them). I read the comments first, and assumed that they were being prudes. I agree strongly with Tara. Actuallythe standards for Brigham Young University are slightly off. Isnt that what freedom means: choosing what you want to do and suffering the consequences for your actions. because Popular majors include Business, Accounting, and Nursing. Ill leave you with a quote to ponder. Ive been asked so many times why I kept returning to such an oppressive environment. and I would rather put up with some questionably strict rules if that meant that They try to teach young adults how to dress in the business world when I went. that these colleges should countenance clearly un-Biblical behaviors, this is what I think of those colleges They can go fuck a buffalo for all I care how dare they dictate your life. I know a boy who went to a very hypocritical high school. An upper classman lied and told the dean that I had looked at a male student in a sexual manner while walking home from chapel and was campused w/in the first weeks there. I had to quit dressing slovenly and learned to dress well. I do not see why people judge these schools so harshly as a non-christian I still think that these colleges are not wrong. But let me clear up a few things as I attend college there myself. Oddly left out are West Point Academy, Air Force Academy and other military schools. I went to Asbury college and for a Christian college I have never had such a bad taste in my mouth for a group of people. y_Z;tn HzMa"`f>cK@)W7j WtjlRCja%i9b>c_A I went to a Catholic University in Los Angeles and they do not have rules like that sothere. Our goal is to provide a safe, supportive environment where you can build relationships, grow in Christ, excel academically and develop leadership skills. 1700 Wade Hampton Blvd. The Bruins come into the season as defending national champions after the women's team captured their first national championship last season while the men won their fifth in a row. I imagine that most people know about the tendency of people who live in extremely sheltered and restrictive environments to go wild as soon as these restrictions are removed and they realise how much freedom they have, because they never learnt self-control. Obviously, dishonest or disruptive remains heavily discouraged as it does even in public schools. They are definitely much more lax now the girls are fine wearing pants (modesty is suggested). The university's founder, Bob Jones, was a fundamentalist evangelist who believed that the theory of evolution was an abomination. A Failure to Stay the Course [Handbook changes at BJU] By Jim. A church I was told to attend? I dont even go to church anywhere around campus. AS I recall, they essentially asked him two quest. Is there something wrong here? Just because something is legal, does not make it right, nor does it protect society. Greenville, SC 29614. Over the summer, BJU announced that it had switched its class dress code to business casual and had made a few changes to casual attire. Thats whats up. The admission office refused to release the student handbook until one signed on the dotted line, feet on campus for semester orientation and parents away from campus. They offer many different styles and levels of dance. Bob Jones University requires all students to attend regular church, Sunday school, society, Bible conferences, artist series programs, and vespers services on campus, though not necessarily in a single week. Stay up the great paintings! Its your belief. Minor infractions include borrowing and not attending chapel and group devotions on a regular basis. Working off-campus is possible, but women arent allowed to accept jobs that require them to wear pants, and students arent allowed to work on Sundays or serve alcohol. View. America as a whole is definitely not a good indicator of Gods standards as displayed in the nature of his Son and set forth in his commands. The former may not wear makeup, because breaking archaic gender tropes will rip the very foundations of society asunder. A student is only allowed a few absences from a class before they are withdrawn. You understand, a lot of people are hunting round for this information, you could help them greatly. Bob Jones University has a total of 10 dorms, 5 for women and 5 for men. All resident and commuter students at Oral Roberts University are required to attend church at least twice a week and find themselves to a highly restrictive dress code. Students hoping to visit any friends of the opposite sex must receive permission from their families and keep it on file with the school as well.. What a way to treat women like children incapable of making their own decisions! They have to cover tattoos, remove piercings, and maintain hairstyles approved by the dean and all without any unnatural colors, of course. AND, IF I had not experienced Gods love, Why doesnt she try to show me instead of disipline me when I did nothing wrong!!!!!! I can understand dancing in a lewd manner in clubs being prohibited (not really, actually I cant understand most of these being prohibited even when it comes to upholding an image of morality) but what about ballet? You make it out to seem way worse than it is. People can have jobs with alcohol or tobacco. An act isnt good because God does it a being can only be God if it only does good acts. Are they genuinely pushing their students towards the path of Christ? Thankfully, Christian colleges provide a better environment than secular campuses. Your moral compass seems to be spinning. Any and all work must not interfere with weekday prayer sessions, either. Going far beyond the usual, generally accepted standards of not breaking the law, acting in a disruptive or discourteous manner, and remaining honest in word, deed, and homework, they raise a number of fascinating moral and ethical questions regarding personal freedom. The school even governs how students are to go about their off-campus employment as well. Camping trips with the opposite sex arent strictly forbidden; theyre just discouraged. The following is excerpted from The History and Heritage of Fundamentalism and Fundamental Baptists, available from www.wayoflife.org -. Because the nude human body is just as detrimental to society as a sawed-off shotgun. The code specifically forbids faux-hawks for men and unnatural hair colors for women. 1. 1700 WADE HAMPTON BOULAVARD. Any freshmen taking less than 24 hours of coursework must be in their dorm rooms by midnight on Monday through Wednesday and 12:30 AM on Friday through Sunday. About Bob Jones University. hUKgedj6_6uec^8AZ5lHj.YDT&,X u&QXvmb.;ry?}y SH )$. bju.edu. Back home, unsaved people lurked around every corner, taking the Lord's name in vain, lying, cheating, having sex, staring. Also, the writer makes it sound as if the faculty of these schools were placing the students under arbitrary rules that go beyond reason. Social and dance clubs as well face quite a bit of consternation. Free thinkers, thanks! Abby Davis, a culinary arts junior, thought the move was a good decision by BJU. I graduated from ORU, great school! Campus. I am currently attending Liberty, and the rules are so laid back at least half the student body goes out late night and weekends gets messed up, and gets it with someone, theres plenty of ways around the rules, school is pretty fake. 1st of all we agree to go to these strict schools. There are a lot of rules and some of them are stupid. Order now. He let people reach out and touch him because to touch him was to touch life and forgiveness, no matter their past or present. they as adults need freedom to make own choices. . Dami, 1) Some book says so doesnt justify anything. Feel free to email me at [emailprotected]. Welcome to a place where Gods very attributes are slandered and blasphemed. Where to Apply - Online Portal, Reservation Fee - 250 USD. Graduating 65% of students, BJU alumni go on to earn a starting salary of $28,400. Serving alcohol at bars or restaurants, keeping hours past 10:30 PM on weekdays and midnight on weekends, and door-to-door sales without expressed permission from the dean or a retail license are all forbidden by Bob Jones University. When she's not running between activities, class and work, you can find Sydney laughing uncontrollably, talking to everyone, shopping, getting pedicures, reading magazines for hours, or planning her future on Pinterest. She came from a wonderful Christian church in Atlanta with tremendous faith, knowledge, and ability. Dr. Bob Jones Jr., the chancellor and board chairman of Bob Jones University in Greenville, S.C., who in the late 1970's forfeited his college's Federal tax exemption rather than permit . THE SCHOOL THRILLED ME. The position of the University on the translation issue has . Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061. This may be true in some cases, but at some colleges, the rules set in place by honor codes and university policies are sometimes stricter than mom and dads. It should be Students hoping to visit any friends of the opposite sex IN THEIR DORM ROOMS can visit on Fridays. You dont have to get permission from families, no files kept. While most schools understandably discourage nationally illegal activities involving drugs or underage drinking, Pensacola Christian College outlaws perfectly legal ones such as gambling, possession of pornography, dancing, swearing, smoking tobacco, and even patronizing movie theatres. They do not prepare you for the real world unless you want to work at and be totally immersed in a strict, judgmental and very dogmatic church for your whole life. Again, how many die every year from alcohol and tobacco? Finally she taught me how to take a hard anal fucking so I would be ready for a fundie husband some day. casino siteleri,canl casino,bahis siteleri,tipobet365,tipobet,tipobet giri,youwin,hepsibahis,truvabet,canl bahis,1xbet giri,canl skor,1xstavka,kralbet,sahabet,matadorbet,1xbet,onwin,betmatik,film izle,hd film izle,yabanc dizi izle. My e-mail address is Because I want to go to Asbury. Whoever wrote this had the facts waaaay off about Liberty U. Only God can do that. I know people are given the choice/make the decision to attend these schools, but they just sound so old-fashioned and boring. The campus feels more like a prison than a college. You're just clicks away from yum. After dusk, mixed groups are not allowed to fraternize without chaperones because having a group of friends including males and females alike is not normal psychosocial behavior it is improper and apparently leads to premarital sex and dancing and other alleged affronts to Jesus.